I just recently found this guy in Factions, and he's hard! He has like 20 people that join him, and since I'm using only henchmen, I can't really pull them. Or can I?
Any tips for this? Otherwise, this is pretty impossible. And once my henchmen die, it's pretty much a reset because the death penalty is too harsh.
How do you beat the afflicted kam and his goons?
hmmm, It should not be a problem to kill him in NM. Make sure you have max armor - but I presume you have - and pick the right henchies. Su and Chiyo are good alternatives. Also, if possible, try pulling foes and kill them in smaller potions.
Grab a bow. Flag your h/h back a little. Take a shot and reverse.
This. Attached to the compass is a little button with a flag on it. Click the button, then click the ground close to where you stand. The henchies will stick to that position. Then grab a longbow, shoot the nearest foe and run back to your henchies.
I found that Factions is brutal on heroes/henchies unless you get in the habit of spacing them out and pulling. So, rather than just use the main flag, set the hero flags independently of themain flag. The result is you can have your h+h in a battle formation where the heroes are not adjacent to each other.
The programmers for Factions way overdid the theme of Putrid Explosion and Ray of Judgment. Standing apart a bit can diffuse the effects of what the afflicted are using.
The programmers for Factions way overdid the theme of Putrid Explosion and Ray of Judgment. Standing apart a bit can diffuse the effects of what the afflicted are using.
I found that Factions is brutal on heroes/henchies unless you get in the habit of spacing them out and pulling. So, rather than just use the main flag, set the hero flags independently of themain flag. The result is you can have your h+h in a battle formation where the heroes are not adjacent to each other.
The programmers for Factions way overdid the theme of Putrid Explosion and Ray of Judgment. Standing apart a bit can diffuse the effects of what the afflicted are using. |