Req8 Swordsmanship Vampiric Flamberge of Defense 15>50
S/B: 100K (as per Price check forum) , C/O 100K +5 ectos
...and a repost since people retracted last time and the price fell way too low for a req8 with max stats...
Req8 Death Magic Wailing Wand
+5 energy while enchanted
Halves skill recharge of all spells (10%)
S/B: 100K (as per Price check forum) , C/O 100K
Will also give this Req12 Grim Claw (Inscribable) with the purchase of the Wailing wand, which is supposedly a rare skin, so that you have a full set with your purchase:
Ectos at 6.5K, Zaishen Keys at 4.5K
Auction ends at Sunday September 12, 2010 at 22:00 EST.
R8 Flamberge 15>50, R8 Wailing wand 10% HSR ,+5e enchanted
Luke D
s/b on wailing wand
IGN Lorelei Sigent
IGN Lorelei Sigent
100k +5e for Flameberge
Auction ends at Sunday September 12, 2010 at 22:00 EST. (roughly 48 hours remain)
Auction ends in less than 24 hours.
o m g pizowned
edit: going to have to retract, sorry.