Someone did an analysis on the wiki:
On the table of all rewards (not including PvP weapon and armor as well as pets in the menagerie)
It makes sense that Flames of Balthazar are approximated at 1.053plat, since Z-keys go for ~4-5K. However, the party points are the equivalent of 305g per point and normal tomes are 1.053plat also. However, actual player prices are more along the lines of the sell value column, which is 155g per party pt. We can rationalize this is due to the availability of other ways to attain them.
Elite tomes are the equivalent of 10,223gold according to the table which is high but pretty close to the harder to get ones.
Now that means:
Light equipment pack is at least 5,167 gold. (current "low" is about 7K but most people hold out for Large equipment packs) with 2.667K as the seller price
Large equipment pack is at least 25,433 gold (current "low" is about 35K) with 12,933K as the seller price
Heavy equipment pack is at least 76,100 gold (current "low" is about 15e, although I have seen some for 100K and at the same time demand means people have sold for 19-21e...) with 38.6K as the seller price
People selling Everlasting Crate of Fireworks for 100K have no idea that they should sell for at least 128K...
I bought one Large equipment pack for 35k because I think 10K is worth it to pay not to grind 2500 Z-coins. I know a few people that have grinded the z-coins for the heavy equipment pack so they don't have to buy one.
Z-coin rewards
Ghandi Andy
Nice info made an interesting read
El fireworks generally go for about 60k i believe (could be wrong). This is probably due to the fact that nobody actually wants one
El fireworks generally go for about 60k i believe (could be wrong). This is probably due to the fact that nobody actually wants one
If you want to maximize Zcoin profit, get Flames of Balthazar.
If you want to maximize Zcoin profit, get Flames of Balthazar.
I've been exchanging my coins for Heavy Equipment Packs and selling for around 20 globs. I thought that this was the most profitable item to get.
I'm intrigued.
Ectos being ~15=100k(so 6.6k) you'd sell the heavy pack for ~133k.
For the same amount of Zcoins you could buy 75 Flames of Balthazar. The -minimum- price you should sell them for is 2k each, 2.5k is possible too, which means you'd get 150k-187.5k for the same amount of coins.
Besides, I'm pretty sure heavy packs are dropping and you'd probably end up selling it for ~17-18 making the difference even larger.
For the same amount of Zcoins you could buy 75 Flames of Balthazar. The -minimum- price you should sell them for is 2k each, 2.5k is possible too, which means you'd get 150k-187.5k for the same amount of coins.
Besides, I'm pretty sure heavy packs are dropping and you'd probably end up selling it for ~17-18 making the difference even larger.
Jk Arrow
Ectos being ~15=100k(so 6.6k) you'd sell the heavy pack for ~133k.
For the same amount of Zcoins you could buy 75 Flames of Balthazar. The -minimum- price you should sell them for is 2k each, 2.5k is possible too, which means you'd get 150k-187.5k for the same amount of coins. Besides, I'm pretty sure heavy packs are dropping and you'd probably end up selling it for ~17-18 making the difference even larger. |
You're assuming everyone wants factions for Zcoins thus using it for a comparison. There are also people who want to unlock skills and other goodies. 2-2.5k is pretty fair. You're paying for the item and the time it took to get them.
Jk Arrow
I'm assuming if someone wants a Flame of Balthazar it's for the faction. Not sure if that's what you mean. I can't think of any other use for it than that. And if you pay 2k for 1k of faction to unlock a skill, why not just pay 1k to the skill trainier to unlock it? Guess I still need more clarification...
I'm assuming if someone wants a Flame of Balthazar it's for the faction. Not sure if that's what you mean. I can't think of any other use for it than that. And if you pay 2k for 1k of faction to unlock a skill, why not just pay 1k to the skill trainier to unlock it? Guess I still need more clarification...
Jk Arrow
Guess I never looked at it like that before. I take for granted all the toons with access to places. Thanks.