Old GW Vet looking for solo builds, Please help :s

The TrueKing

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hey i was playing gw 24/7 for about 3 years but went inactive for about another 2 years.

I came back after looking at GW2 and how amazing it looks, only to find my account had been hacked, and i really want to get back into GW but so much has changed and im lost at where to start so any help would be great

The guild i was in kicked me to inactivity, and all the firends i had seemed to have stopped playing, the hacker looted all my pets and anything of worth even salvaging my armor sets for the runes.

I have:

1 PvP slot & 1 free slot

all the above are level 20 and will 15k sets (partly as most have been salvaged)

Literally any ideas on where to start would be great :P

i have Prophecies, Factions & Nightfall

Please help


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006




Sorry to hear you were hacked. I was too last year. Anyway if it were me I'd pick up Eye of the North and work on that with the level 20's and/or finish the campaigns. Also, depending on how rusty you are, buy a couple slots in the store and start over to get a feel again for the game. Prophecies end mission now has a nice green weapon. And once you finish it there are things you can do with War in Kryta. Finish EOTN and you get to see the queen and do some quests. I am sketchy on that since I haven't finished EOTN.
Oh and Z quests you can get at the great temple of Beltshazzar (sp)

Since I personally love Prophecies the best I'd start there only because it will be good background heading into GW2.

Just my thoughts. -

The TrueKing

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

yah i might go for EOTN give it a try looks decent, thanks for the input mate.

was writing this incase i could easily adapt one of my toons to be a solo farmer or summin and earn some money to get my armour back stuff like that :P



not so much fell as.....

Join Date: Jan 2009




and if you insist on being solo the eotn skills are very useful...

but find a friendly guild hun, they will bring yu up to date and help you out. Lots of guilds would love to have you.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



N/Mo - Search for Fuzzy Taco's threads (Copy of first thread here). Many of those builds still work, but the 600/smite builds need revision. Equipping is cheap since you can use starter armor. You don't need the -50 cesta and you don't need 55 health if you use the 2 shield skills.

R/Rt - spun ducky's thread has many places to farm with spirits, including solo vanquish and UW. You can also use R/A with Shadow Form and Whirling Defense to kill ranged spellcasters quickly. See PvX or search here.

Or just farm feathers from the Sensali Tengu with almost anything in Jaya Bluffs until you get back on your feet. Just search "feather farm."

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

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