Orr emblems farming build for Warrior NEED HELP



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


IGN: Rose Mincrisar / Black King


2 years ago i found a perfect build in youtube for farming gates of kryta with a warrior (i dont think i used any secondary profession skills) but when i uninstalled my GW, i didnt save the file so now i dont have the build
all i remember is i used

cyclone axe
executioners strike
healing signet
power attack

so still need 3 more
totem axe was a must for this build

can anybody remember the complete build?

thx in advanced for the help

Zodiac Meteor

Zodiac Meteor

Imma Firin Mah Rojway!

Join Date: Aug 2008

At the Mac Store laughing at people that walk out with anything.


If it's anything like the troll farm build, Triple Axe, Whirling Attack, and Cyclone Axe to dispose of mobs. Use Live Vigorously and Vigor spirit to keep the health up high and two option slots for a couple PvE skills.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


The undead rangers have poison so you need possibly healing breeze or something to counter it also grasps inflict err its either cripple or bleeding and undead eles can cast blind so its def a need for condition removal


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

Do it with a monk primary/secondary caster...Its so much faster and you don't have to shuffle round while you're crippled, poisoned etc most of the time. Thats my experience when mucking around with a warrior for a while...But then it isn't a huge deal anyway how fast it is since its not the most profitable farm to begin with.

Alternatively I can't see why abit of adjustment means you couldn't just bring along one or two smite skills on the warrior such as shield of judgment and smite condition/hex to take out most undead in one cast of the elite...But then you do have a bunch of other character slots.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

AoE attack + Judge's Insight. That's all you need. You should be hitting for several hundred points on each target with that. Assuming NM here. A self heal, single target attack skill, IMS, and IAS should round off the build with two extra slots.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009

Canada Eh

Fallen Knights Of The Shattered [Soul]

Cyclone axe, whirlwind, triple chop, live vicariously, judges insight, remove conditions, vigorous spirit, Optional... (maybe remove hex, healing breeze, dolyak signet, flail or enraging charge?)
approx attributes,
11+1+1 axe
7+1 str
10 healing
7 smiting


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009



Not my video but it's the build I used 2 years ago (clearly better skills now). Still a great guide to help though.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


IGN: Rose Mincrisar / Black King


thx for the help, i'll be trying those new builds for me
i wanted to recover the one i used to use cuz it really worked but cannot rememeber
so gonna try these