Ive gotten all the other levels done but cant beat Duncan so willing to pay 30k for someone who can do it for me in HM
ign Hyphon Denchu
WTB Duncan the black run and Vloxen Excavations HM
I can do it with you for free once I finish all the preceding four bosses, which is going to take quite a while unless I get more incentive (e.g. a Rand ZQ). If you can wait, all the better. If you can't ... let me know if it's urgent and I'll step up my play.
IGN: Jeydra Evenstar
IGN: Jeydra Evenstar
thankyou for the offer, im not in any huge rush, have plenty of other things to do ingame.
Im also looking for a run of Volxen Excavations in HM, wiling to pay also.
so /bump
Im also looking for a run of Volxen Excavations in HM, wiling to pay also.
so /bump
Vloxen's is not hard, and since no pre-reqs it should be easier to arrange. Since someone else needs it I'll wait for a time when you're both online and do it.
I can help with vloxen
PM Dark Healing Master
PM Dark Healing Master
I Hate Chips
Tell me what price ur willing to pay, I can help u at vloxen, and when I'm a bit further with my warrior I can also do Duncan for u
Both in a fast time 
I Hate Charmander

I Hate Charmander