Currently most efficient solo farm?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2010

The W/N solo farm during consumable drop events is always a solid choice, but what about UW? Is the SoS spammer the new most efficient solo UW build? It doesn't seem any other spots have popped up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008


Dark Order of Retarded Knights (doRk)


Take your A/Me to Tombs and kill the 3 Dream Riders and 3 Torturewebs that you can shadowstep to just right of where you enter. It takes a couple minutes, doesn't cost you 1k or a scroll, is extremely easy, and can be repeated until your fingers bleed.

You will average an ecto or more every half hour, and you'll also salvage a lot of iron and dust from the junk that falls. Is it as exciting as rounding up a room full of smites? No. Is it more efficient and less expensive and easier? Yes.

Light And Peace

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2010

2 minutes per run of dream riders and dryders with a 2 percent ecto drop rate.
Need to do a total of 9-10 runs before you "should" get an ecto. That's 3 ectos an hour, no entrance fee.

W/me Smite run: 10 minutes, average of 32-40 smites, chance of getting an ecto about every 12-4 minutes, averages about 4 to 5 ecto and hour, but costs about 6k to do and a decent fail rate.

About the same I say, BUT, I got banned mistakenly for being a bot in topk so I avoid it like the plague.

own age myname

own age myname

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2007




To me the most efficient solo farm is farming scrubs in RA for zkeys

Rumi The Poet

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2010

This Game Is Old


I solo clear FoW to see if i could do it. Ive cleared it 3 times NM getting the End Chest. I wouldnt exactly call it efficient but you can rack up shards quite easily.

As for Tombs ive solo cleared it to the end without getting any ecto, so i quit that place.

Anyone can farm the Nicholas items for gifts but thats not very efficient either.

As for Ra, its best when its the Zaishen bounty, repeat quest after 3 wins for 3k faction. Not super profitable but better than alot of farms.

Lord Dagon

Lord Dagon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2009

Inside the Oblivion Gate

The Imperial Guards of Istan[TIGE]


personally i think the best farm is vaettir. i mean its like 3unids every 2mins. So about 4.5k every 4mins for 40mins=$$$

Malis Of Monrovia

Malis Of Monrovia

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




Eh.. everything I've heard here is kinda fail?

To answer ur question, yes SoS rit is the best to solo farm atm. I made a new rit especially for farming. I've been level 20 for 3 days, and I already made 20 ectos farming, not the mention black dyes and stupid goldies. I've also yielded quite a few shards in FoW with duo rits.

Another good way of making more money than farming tombs (wtf 2% droprate why would you do such a thing) is to farm feathers. Jaya Bluffs outside seitung or North Kryta Province outside LA. Seitung is faster but North Kryta yields more goldies (for me, don't know why). Stacks sell at 9k atm. Now thats easy.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

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