What's your favorite quest?
Sword Hammer Axe
I couldn't find a thread with this topic, strangely enough, so if something similar already exists, please close this and I'll do a thread necro XD
What's your favorite quest?
I personally love the MOX questline, although Battle at LA and the bee quest in pre searing comes pretty darn close lol.
What's your favorite quest?
I personally love the MOX questline, although Battle at LA and the bee quest in pre searing comes pretty darn close lol.
Marty Silverblade
I tend to enjoy ones where you fight off a horde of monsters. This is probably because they are usually harder than other quests. Such examples include:
-Battle for Turai's Procession
-Protect the Learned
-Breaking the Broken
-The Troubled Keeper
-BLA (possibly, I've never played it)
-Battle for Turai's Procession
-Protect the Learned
-Breaking the Broken
-The Troubled Keeper
-BLA (possibly, I've never played it)
Mintha Syl
Lol bees quest wins.
In reality it's been so long ago that I've last done any quest that I can't really recall what I loved most.
In reality it's been so long ago that I've last done any quest that I can't really recall what I loved most.

- The Villainy of Galrath
- Battle for Lion's Arch
- Battle for Lion's Arch
Assault on Beknur Harbour
Tried at way to low level the first times before I beat it.
Also like Finding a purpose ( quest to get Razah )
Tried at way to low level the first times before I beat it.
Also like Finding a purpose ( quest to get Razah )
Tender Care
An old quest i liked before Factions release is Reversing the skale where yuou must kill Lord Timot....i was pretty hard, since Lord Timot is lvl 20 in Scoundrel's Rise.
Favourite quest is The 4 Horsemen...if it counts :P
Favourite quest is The 4 Horsemen...if it counts :P
i like fedex quests. we should have many many more
lol you like that damn bee quest?
well i can't really recall the names of quests thanks to my short term memory so uh, let's say the assassin quest where you first get twisting fangs, god that made me think sins were so OP back in the day lol
well i can't really recall the names of quests thanks to my short term memory so uh, let's say the assassin quest where you first get twisting fangs, god that made me think sins were so OP back in the day lol
Stragglers in Traveler's Vale!
Prophecies - The titan quests....it got me all nostalgic as I've been vanquishing Tyria on my ranger and forgot that I still had all the quests active. Last day dawns was a lot of fun while vanquishing Eastern Frontier, and North Kryta Province is superb when you have defend LA and the war in kryta active.
Factions - there are two quests, one in Kaineng where you have to help a little girl who is trying to pay her father's debt, and the other is an event quest where some unlucky guy tells a girl he likes her and she nicks his money....it always makes me chuckle when the guys say in the quest reward text that they are now broke, penniless, bankrupt....and then they give you gold as part of the reward.
Nightfall - Koss' elixir....the arrival of Slort Nilbog.....don't do drugs, kids.
Factions - there are two quests, one in Kaineng where you have to help a little girl who is trying to pay her father's debt, and the other is an event quest where some unlucky guy tells a girl he likes her and she nicks his money....it always makes me chuckle when the guys say in the quest reward text that they are now broke, penniless, bankrupt....and then they give you gold as part of the reward.
Nightfall - Koss' elixir....the arrival of Slort Nilbog.....don't do drugs, kids.
I like big battles and NPC allies so although it's a mission not a quest, I never get tired of Consulate Docks.
Battle for Lion's Arch is pretty epic indeed. My favourites from the quests that were part of the pre-WiK game were along the same sort of lines: Undead Hordes, Siege at Tsumei Village, Assault on Beknur Harbor, In Defense of the Eye etc.
I also like quests such as the Bog Beast of Bokku, where you just happen to hear some dialogue as you're in the area and then a quest pops up.
Most memorable quest for me I think was Voices in the Night. Nightfall was just released, wiki hadn't been completed, and it was just like being new to the game again. Working out what/where to click to free those damn voices took ages first time round!
I also like quests such as the Bog Beast of Bokku, where you just happen to hear some dialogue as you're in the area and then a quest pops up.
Most memorable quest for me I think was Voices in the Night. Nightfall was just released, wiki hadn't been completed, and it was just like being new to the game again. Working out what/where to click to free those damn voices took ages first time round!
Shanaeri Rynale
Galrath, simply because of the memories it holds. I nearly did it when it was 500XP but error 7'd just before him. The next day there was the patch to make it 4000XP so only being level 17 at the time it was a great boost.
Plus, back in those days, getting there just felt.. epic.
Plus, back in those days, getting there just felt.. epic.
Galrath, simply because of the memories it holds. I nearly did it when it was 500XP but error 7'd just before him. The next day there was the patch to make it 4000XP so only being level 17 at the time it was a great boost.
Plus, back in those days, getting there just felt.. epic. |
Before factions came out, you'd get to LA and go WOW 4K XP gogo!
Whirl E Vic
The Red Frog
WTB Highly intelligent tracking panda
WTB Highly intelligent tracking panda
Absolute Destiny
Doing The Undead Horde with my Smiter is pretty awesome.
Especially getting the bone dragons clumped and unleashing Ray of Judgment.
Especially getting the bone dragons clumped and unleashing Ray of Judgment.
- The Villainy of Galrath
Villany of Galrath was awesome.
Also one of my favs, Cult of the Stone Face and Drakes on the Plain from Nightfall.
Also one of my favs, Cult of the Stone Face and Drakes on the Plain from Nightfall.
Humour-wise, Drakes on a Plain was pretty funny. The Asura that needs bigger ears to get a date was cute. Or, the presearing quest where Rurik sends Osric (who then sends you) to find Althea's birthday present, and you can just rat Rurik out to Althea. GW2 needs more humourous stuff like that.
Rotscale - Even though there is no quest (apart from Zbounty), if there was one, it would be the best.
The entire Sorrow's Furnace quest chain
Titan quests.
The entire Sorrow's Furnace quest chain
Titan quests.
How do you pick just one? OK, my most recent "best quest ever" is Battle for Lion's Arch. It was a wonderful climax to a great quest chain.
reaper with no name
Drakes on a Plain. No question.
"I want these Balthazar-blasted drakes off of this Balthazar-blasted plain!"
"I want these Balthazar-blasted drakes off of this Balthazar-blasted plain!"
the Sorrow's Furnace quest chain
Battle for Lion's Arch
the 6 facet quests in EotN
also Drakes on a Plane. thanks poster above me for reminding me
Battle for Lion's Arch
the 6 facet quests in EotN
also Drakes on a Plane. thanks poster above me for reminding me
Pinkest One
for me its always been about 'the captured son'. i remember getting rolled in that quest so many times when factions first came out. and then when you finally beat all those mothers it felt awesome...
I Hate Chips
BLA, because I like to test myself H/H. And for now BLA is the only quest I couldnt manage H/H HM.....
The ones that are just more than go there, kill that, bring that.
Many in Sorrow's Furnace are not just that.
You can go undercover, you have to split in teams to do different things. You can just rush and go in a Killroy spree...
Many in Sorrow's Furnace are not just that.
You can go undercover, you have to split in teams to do different things. You can just rush and go in a Killroy spree...
Ka Tet
It's not a quest, but Augury Rock mission was my favorite back in the day. It fed that Ocarina of Time nostalgia.
Althea's ashes. I did it with a low-level pug back in the days when the ashes were farmed by high level players to make money. I always felt that such quest-item trading ruins the story, the quest and doesnt provide any satisfaction, so it felt good to do this as it was meant to be done. Also, my male mesmer had a crush on Althea...
Sorrow's Furnace. I can't even begin to imagine how many hours I spent down there.
I liked sorrow's furnace. The 4 preliminary quests were crazy hard at the time, and the final mission took my pug hours and was almost a complete failure. Course, I went back and h/h it in like an hour, which kind of ruins the nostalgia, but at the time it was just brutal.
I wracked my brain for a good minute or two, and I honestly just kept coming back to Pre-Searing profession quests. Learning how to actually use skills and having the most gorgeous scenery as your backdrop really brings me back.
Then there is the Wayward Wizard, running past all the bears and completing the quest by finding Orion, only to let the bears gank him and kill him.
I'm bad.
A lot of the Old Ascalon quests also make me nostalgia-sigh, I can't pick one.
Surprised I haven't heard The Last Hog. I love running that little piggy around, he's funny.
Then there is the Wayward Wizard, running past all the bears and completing the quest by finding Orion, only to let the bears gank him and kill him.

A lot of the Old Ascalon quests also make me nostalgia-sigh, I can't pick one.
Surprised I haven't heard The Last Hog. I love running that little piggy around, he's funny.
In terms of quest names... I like Watch It Jiggle 
But my favorite quest is Fire And Pain, second is Attack On Jalis's Camp.
But my favorite quest is Fire And Pain, second is Attack On Jalis's Camp.
The forth fly
Fave quest-Titan source but i also like the the 2nd class quests in proph
Like, roarrrrr!
I like, "All's Well that Ends Well" just for the whole refence and giggly-ness of it.
I like, "All's Well that Ends Well" just for the whole refence and giggly-ness of it.
Mintha Syl
Humour-wise, Drakes on a Plain was pretty funny. The Asura that needs bigger ears to get a date was cute. Or, the presearing quest where Rurik sends Osric (who then sends you) to find Althea's birthday present, and you can just rat Rurik out to Althea. GW2 needs more humourous stuff like that.

Squishy ftw
Sorrow's Furnace for sure.
I used to do that so often when I only recently started. It's also where I realised that Heal Area also heals enemies
, learned about aggroing properly, pulling, etc...
I still go back there every so often with just 3 heros to keep it at least somewhat as 'difficult' as it used to be all those years ago.
I used to do that so often when I only recently started. It's also where I realised that Heal Area also heals enemies

I still go back there every so often with just 3 heros to keep it at least somewhat as 'difficult' as it used to be all those years ago.
Bushel of trouble.
I love the whole Halcyon quest chain, simply because of all the Firefly details.
I love the bees one too, and the Last Hog. Also, the Red Frog. Tracking panda ftw!
I love the one where you get a devourer egg for Old Mac in pre, because Joe is one of my favorite things ever. (*click click*)!!!
I really like "Hog Hunt", and the Impressive Warthog named Pork Chop! *squees*
Scholarly Affairs is adorable. You get to help a hopeless geek win over his lady love! <3
Herds To The Slaughter. One word: COWS!!!
I loved the synergy between "Free the Fur" and "The Yeti Hunt". Silly silly Sujun.
Many of my favorite quests are those that involve little to no killing or whose premise is silly or absurd. For example:
The one where you have to feed Joe makes me all smiley inside.
So does "Flamingo-ing... going... gone."
Garden Chores is also awesome. I love quests which involve more than just mindless killing. Leaf-bag-carrying FTW!
Deliver A Message To My Wife is also cute, since the poor guy has no idea his wife is (presumably) cheating on him.
The Great Norn Alemoot is enormously fun; that goes without saying. Especially if you leave post-processing effects on.
I LOVE the "Goren's Stuff" quests.
Goren: "I am worried about Nightfall. I don't want the world to get destroyed. It's where I keep all my stuff. Maybe I could bash some things and keep my stuff safe."
Shiny: "Gorrrrrren is my mommmmmmy. I'm hungry! Feed me, Goren!"
Goren: "It just called me mommy. I'm a mommy?"
Goren is just too cute. <3
"All's Well That Ends Well" is hilarious.
Freya the Firm: "Like, roarrrrrr!"
Vaughn the Venerable: "Have at ye, scoundrel!"
Freya the Firm: "Like, ouch."
I have to admit, when I did Oswalt's Epitaph, I actually did cry the first time. Just the initial quest dialog was enough to open the floodgates.
The dialog from "Prenuptial Disagreement" was hilarious. And slightly disturbing. (http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/Talk...agreement#Ouch...)
I still have the teddy bear from "Little Lost Bear".
And the mirrors from the "Luxury Goods" quest, given by that moron Chitaro.
As for names, Minions Gone Wild makes me crack up. Also "More Cowbell", "Return of the Yeti", "Material Girl", "Need More Stuff" (a personal favorite!), "Identity Theft", "What Do You Do With A Drunken Shauben?", "Dismember the Titans", "The Smell of Titan in the Morning", and "Single Ugly Grawl Seeks Same for Mindless Destruction in Ascalon".
And finally, though it is a mission not a quest, I love Tihark Orchard. It is just so silly and fun. Yay drinking contests!
Sorry for the long list, I'm a huge fan of the quests in GW. I go out of my way to do every single one, and they give me great enjoyment.
Absolutely right. I love the quirky little stories. 
*click click*
I love the bees one too, and the Last Hog. Also, the Red Frog. Tracking panda ftw!
I love the one where you get a devourer egg for Old Mac in pre, because Joe is one of my favorite things ever. (*click click*)!!!
I really like "Hog Hunt", and the Impressive Warthog named Pork Chop! *squees*
Scholarly Affairs is adorable. You get to help a hopeless geek win over his lady love! <3
Herds To The Slaughter. One word: COWS!!!
I loved the synergy between "Free the Fur" and "The Yeti Hunt". Silly silly Sujun.

Many of my favorite quests are those that involve little to no killing or whose premise is silly or absurd. For example:
The one where you have to feed Joe makes me all smiley inside.
So does "Flamingo-ing... going... gone."
Garden Chores is also awesome. I love quests which involve more than just mindless killing. Leaf-bag-carrying FTW!
Deliver A Message To My Wife is also cute, since the poor guy has no idea his wife is (presumably) cheating on him.

The Great Norn Alemoot is enormously fun; that goes without saying. Especially if you leave post-processing effects on.
I LOVE the "Goren's Stuff" quests.
Goren: "I am worried about Nightfall. I don't want the world to get destroyed. It's where I keep all my stuff. Maybe I could bash some things and keep my stuff safe."
Shiny: "Gorrrrrren is my mommmmmmy. I'm hungry! Feed me, Goren!"
Goren: "It just called me mommy. I'm a mommy?"
Goren is just too cute. <3
"All's Well That Ends Well" is hilarious.
Freya the Firm: "Like, roarrrrrr!"
Vaughn the Venerable: "Have at ye, scoundrel!"
Freya the Firm: "Like, ouch."
I have to admit, when I did Oswalt's Epitaph, I actually did cry the first time. Just the initial quest dialog was enough to open the floodgates.

The dialog from "Prenuptial Disagreement" was hilarious. And slightly disturbing. (http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/Talk...agreement#Ouch...)
I still have the teddy bear from "Little Lost Bear".
As for names, Minions Gone Wild makes me crack up. Also "More Cowbell", "Return of the Yeti", "Material Girl", "Need More Stuff" (a personal favorite!), "Identity Theft", "What Do You Do With A Drunken Shauben?", "Dismember the Titans", "The Smell of Titan in the Morning", and "Single Ugly Grawl Seeks Same for Mindless Destruction in Ascalon".
And finally, though it is a mission not a quest, I love Tihark Orchard. It is just so silly and fun. Yay drinking contests!
Sorry for the long list, I'm a huge fan of the quests in GW. I go out of my way to do every single one, and they give me great enjoyment.
Ok, really this is the kind of quests I like mosts. The ones with a deep story behind or humorous scenes. So much for the fighting, if I want a challenging fight there's other places, but quests must be full of stories, personally.
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*click click*
The one where you have to team up with a pug to go outside and get a rez signet. Hardest quest in the world of guild wars, for sure.