Some of the rarest minis and weps pc plz



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2008


Hi GW'ers, back to unload the rest of my stuff I have left. Since I have not logged in since the beginning of the year, could you give me a rough idea of what I should be thinking to get rid of the remaining stuff I dont want. Last time I will be logging in to sell my stuff, so just tell me what full price is, then gonna discount from there and let the resellers have fun getting richer. Then see everyone again in GW2 unless real life continues to be busy. (Wasting time in WoW lately... sux buying time cards, kind of miss the free GW.)

Stacks of armbraces? Going rate?
Bajillion stacks of cupcakes? Going rate?

Unded pets:
bunch of kuunavangs and cele pigs
greased lightning beetle

Ded pets:

R8 +5 energy swords/axes:
colossal sword (yeah, letting it go this time...)
oni blade
celestial sword
crenulated sword
wicked blade
gothic sword
platinum blade
plagueborn sword
dadao sword
dead sword
zodiac sword
mammoth axe
runic axe
canthan cleaver
zodiac axe
dragoncrest axe
gemstone axe

R8 CELESTIAL 10/10 nerfed curses
R8 CELESTIAL 10/10 nerfed fire
R8 CELESTIAL in RESTORATION 10% HCT all spell, 20% HSR Communing

ECHOVALD R9 Tactics +28 health -5/20 co=

R7 swords:
flamberge 19 under 50
wingblade 15% stance

R8 Chaos axe 15^50
R8 Chaos axe 15/-1 energy
R8 Chaos axes 15%/-5 enery, 15%/-10 armor, 15% stance, 15% enchant, 20% while hexed, 15% hexed

R8 Zodiac Bow old school, +5 energy



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]


250e on the wingblade imo

o m g pizowned

Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006

all req8 +5en swords/axes are very sought after now...couldn't give ya detailed prices on each but they are probably more expensive then when you bought them.
oni ~ 70e
broadsword ~ 100e+ imo

15>50 chaos - ~80e or so
req7 flamberge - ~100k imo (i'll bet someone prices it higher then me)
winglbade - agreeing with don, 250e

and out of curiosity, will you be selling these on guru or are you taking orders?


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2008


Cupcakes ~100k/stack

Seen Unded Ghostly for around ~1500e+30a

And agree with aspi on the two first unded pets


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2007

Beertown ;P



I'll give you my soul for that Colossal and you should know it, im prolly the guy that asked you for it the most :P

Grawl is about 200e atm (low, dno why) and Kuunas 35-45 depending on time of the day



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2010

The other side

Ghost- 1500e+20-30 arms
Grawl- 200-215e
Kuunavangs- 35-40e (Lowballer bait here... id sell for 30e since you have probably have more than enough ectos)
Cele Pigs- 170-190e
Greased Lightning 600-630e
Stacks of Armbraces- 5000e Per stack (or 87 for 1740 ectos ~full trade bar)
Cupcakes 80-100k a tack (100k sells pretty much instantly anyway)

Rumors of a kanaxai going for 120k ectos. You'd make a happy camper out of me it you let me dedicate it though =D



Join Date: Apr 2007

Just put some time into szelling a r8 +5e Vertebreaker. Eventually sold it for 65e, so I reckon that's approximately what can be gotten out of such a thing.

Do any of these things actually have a "price"??



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2010

The other side

Zhed- 5200e
Shiroken- 5000e

Ded Vizu- 2200-2300