Ok, so i made a qq thread about arenas yesterday cos i felt like qqing. Today I wanna be a bit more srs and discuss codex arena. I'm initially state some 'facts' that i believe are true but people can add or correct as they feel.
1. Team arena and hero battles are NOT coming back ever so we are stuck with RA, HA, GvG and Codex...
2. Codex is dead, loads of restarts even in 'peak' times
3. Anet couldnt give a flying F*** about GW1 except GW beyond so they can sell more GW2
4. I for one feel that codex is not a terrible idea.... not saying its a genius idea, but at least it is something to work from. Yes it does reward hexway or super defensive builds, but also there is constant meta shift without any need for developer input (which is good cos of fact 3).
5. Anet know codex is dead
6. We MIGHT, maybe, just maybe be able to convince them to make changes to make it less dead.
7. They changed Competitive missions by buffing the faction (no gameplay changes) and made them very lively places... ok that was a long time ago but they do care a little bit about dead aspects of the game
8. TA sucked cos of stale meta and noobies couldnt win a match... Codex suffers from these but to less of an extent.
Cant really think of many more but meh, add them as u want in replies
Ok: Now for some suggestions... i'd kinda like to get an idea of general opinion so please if u read this /signed or /notsigned each suggestion even if u dont care much about pvp... will give me at least an idea if this is something the community /cares about.
1: This aint really a suggestion but basically /signed if u would like them to TRY to make codex more active....
2. Easiest fix I can see for codex is to give people an incentitive to play it over other formats... i.e. Increase the faction gain.... it worked with CMs (fact 7) so why not here. People I have mentioned this to say OMG YOU WILL KILL THE Z KEY MARKET ZOOMMGGG! Ok, that is a myth, go study some economics, it is pretty hard to kill the z key market, this is basically because Z keys get used at a ridiculous rate. Furthermore as the title cap is so high the demand does not change. Therefore even if you increase the supply, the demand will always be able to accomodate this change. Currently looking around gtob my general feeling is that there is a greater demand than there is supply, so no, this would not kill the z key market. Evidence of this is that HA or GvG z quests dont cause a drop in key prices.
In summary: Increase Faction gain from Codex
e.g. 100 per kill, 400 for win and 200 for flawless (1k faction per match effectively)
3. Codex emote: give the title an emote, dosent really need explaining. People are vain, people like shiny things so give them an incentive to codex.
Problem with this: Fact 3: and this would require a lot of developer time and they wont give us any.
4. Im not sure about this one, but change the format to hero battle format i.e. cap points + kill count
- this requires not too much developer work as the codes already exist
- however, this probably wouldnt make more people play it (Fact 2)
- would make people play even more super defensive and stuff
5. They mentioned when they released codex that they might make a ladder/ATs. Guess that idea is dead and buried but I for one would love to have regular ATs that you could join with 3 mates and have some fun. Would love to see it but.... Fact 3 kinda bitch slaps this one.
Ok, this is a start, let me know what you guys think, i'm interested more than anything.
Codex Arena problems, suggestions and vote
Missing HB
There were already many threads like this ( i made half of those ) , and all were closed w/o getting any answer so ...anyway :
I have some doubts for fact 5 to be honest.However :
1- /signed
4- /signed
I have some doubts for point 2 , people won't only play it because of factions ( well some will , but arena won't be so popular cause of it )
Fact 3 will have some problems : people who did already have their r4-5 title by syncing , and the game will still remain dead at some hours ( like HA and gvg are ) thus at the point where gw is , adding emote now might be pointless...
5-/signed if 4- is added.. no point else.
I would like to add an other suggestion : allow people to have 3 heroes in codex arena ( it will fix HeroBattles build problems and will be easier to find opponent there )
I have some doubts for fact 5 to be honest.However :
1- /signed
4- /signed
I have some doubts for point 2 , people won't only play it because of factions ( well some will , but arena won't be so popular cause of it )
Fact 3 will have some problems : people who did already have their r4-5 title by syncing , and the game will still remain dead at some hours ( like HA and gvg are ) thus at the point where gw is , adding emote now might be pointless...
5-/signed if 4- is added.. no point else.
I would like to add an other suggestion : allow people to have 3 heroes in codex arena ( it will fix HeroBattles build problems and will be easier to find opponent there )
The way I see it, the PvP playerbase is divided into two parts. There are the more hardcore PvPers who have been PvPing for awhile and have developed their glad/fame titles. Most of the vocal pvpers on this site would fall into this group. Then, there are the casual PvPers. These are Players who spend time in both pve and pvp, and who care less about titles, emotes, etc, and more about having their definition of fun.
Also, the way I see it, these two groups want very different changes, and have very different opinions. Therefore, what I would like is for anet to split the pvp arenas more depending on what group of players the arena is intended for. For example, HA, with the rank discrimination and relatively closed community, is an example of a pvp spot for the hardcore players who have been working on titles and who play competitively for the wins.
What I think should happen to codex is that it should be made into more of a casual player pvp arena. I think that this is what anet was aiming for originally, as competitive players tend to think that sealed deck play is stupid anyway. However, anet didn't take this far enough. They implimented sealed deck rules but they also kept it so that players form teams going into it, which is a prescription for rank and build discrimination. What I think anet should do is make codex a random team format like RA is. While the majority of the competitive community will probably never take part in a "stupid" sealed deck arena, I definitely think that anet could unkill codex by reaching out to the casual pvpers.
The problem with adding ladders, emotes, or increasing rank gain is that all of these changes would be designed more toward attracting competitive players. Therefore, these kinds of changes probably wouldn't change the state of codex much at all since the majority of the competitive community wouldn't want to play in the sealed deck format anyway.
Also, the way I see it, these two groups want very different changes, and have very different opinions. Therefore, what I would like is for anet to split the pvp arenas more depending on what group of players the arena is intended for. For example, HA, with the rank discrimination and relatively closed community, is an example of a pvp spot for the hardcore players who have been working on titles and who play competitively for the wins.
What I think should happen to codex is that it should be made into more of a casual player pvp arena. I think that this is what anet was aiming for originally, as competitive players tend to think that sealed deck play is stupid anyway. However, anet didn't take this far enough. They implimented sealed deck rules but they also kept it so that players form teams going into it, which is a prescription for rank and build discrimination. What I think anet should do is make codex a random team format like RA is. While the majority of the competitive community will probably never take part in a "stupid" sealed deck arena, I definitely think that anet could unkill codex by reaching out to the casual pvpers.
The problem with adding ladders, emotes, or increasing rank gain is that all of these changes would be designed more toward attracting competitive players. Therefore, these kinds of changes probably wouldn't change the state of codex much at all since the majority of the competitive community wouldn't want to play in the sealed deck format anyway.