Vaettir Farming


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006




I have a question about Vaettir Farming for you pros.

So, I'm thinking about doing vaettir farming this weekend for the grog event so I was wondering what do you guys do with all of the items? Like all of the weapon drops and stuff you get.

Do you salvage everything or just leave a few things on the ground and only pick up golds/purp?

I really don't feel like mapping every few runs to sell crap



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008


Ministry of Fate [MoF]


I myself usually bring some merchant summoning stones with me so that I can merch most of the drop I get. Saves a lot of time and mapping :P



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


^That. Merch stones, pop one after full invent.




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005



^What they said, just to get another confirmation Go in with empty invent (maybe ID kit and Salv Kit) and take some stones. Keep golds to ID and sell (or to sell for 700/ea unid), wait til invent is full and merch... Good luck!

Lord Dagon

Lord Dagon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2009

Inside the Oblivion Gate

The Imperial Guards of Istan[TIGE]


i personally go back to sell. It takes maybe a grand total of about 5mins to sell the white/blues/purps, put away the golds and then run back to vaettir. In that time you've only lost 2 runs or so. But thats just me.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


I have 40~ merch stones, not a problem. Also can never be bothered selling golds; I'm just bothered about farming glacial stones and grog.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008


I'm picking up all drops: salvage the whites for materials (iron and dust are always good ) and zone to merchant when the inventory is full of golds and purples.

fires element

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007



i only pick up the dye's, event item, and golds. when my inventory gets full i go back to longeyes


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006




Hmm a lot of different answers here. Where would I get merchant summoning stones or how much are they ea?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005



You can find them in Spamadan I'm sure, around 200-300 depending on seller and how many you buy


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Personally i do the following -
1. Have 3 salv kits and 3 id kits ( or 1 100 id kit ) and rest of chr is empty except 3 summoning stones.
2. Get everything untill i either run out of salv kits or full of golds.
3. Use 1 merch stone and sort whats needed and buy id/salv kits if needed.
4. Repeat untill out of room totally and have items you dont want to merch .
5. return to outpost/gh and finishing sorting then start all over again.

I like using only 3 merch stones because i believe in the problem of over farming a zone and merch stones mean you can farm 1 place for hrs which may/maynot ( community is 50/50 on over farming theory ) cause worse drops - by using 3 stones then outpost/gh follows a theory that if you overfarm a zone you can "reset" it slightly by going elsewhere for a run - eg going off to do snowmen then returning.As vaetires require a quick jog thru bejora this itself seems to act as a nice "reset".
This is all just what i do and like i said is 50/50 in the community if true but feel free to make your own mind up whether it works or not and please dont start a debate on this thread on the topic ( make a new one elsewhere ) .



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Connecticut USA



Be sure to salvage the white items that give you dust and iron. As long as consets are in demand, the need for stacks of mats will be there. Dust and Iron running at 4.5k a stack is better than merching the item.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Also forgot to say about whites - its worth checking on wiki which items purely give iron or dust or the rare few that gives iron or dust - nothing worse than an axe giving crappy wood instead of iron.
Also on any color items that have measure for measure rip them off - except if on a gold which does iron or dust and is worth 250 upwards - you get more iron/dust and can add the insc to others .This is a general material booster that works similar to great conches at raptors.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2008

Deadly Seven Sins [xs]


I farmed for stuff at the lake but no gold drops does it have to be in harb mode to get gold drops? and do you have to do it solo to get drops

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

*All foes can drop gold items, with the exception of very low level ones.
*You need to be in HM so that a large mob spawns rather than only a few. Farming them in NM isn't worth it.
*Gold items are not affected by loot scaling, so soloing means you'll get more of them.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Connecticut USA



Just one quick question myself. Since I haven't farmed this spot myself. Is it true that this farm spot needs to have completed Blood Washes Blood to get the big spawns?

What is the average drop for Piles of Dust per run? I've mostly been getting my dust off Conchs doing Raptors or Amber weapons in Pong Mei. I have an Ele and Sin I've been considering to begin playing again. Only thing is that neither have been to EotN at all. So who should I bring off the bench?



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


Not sure about the quest requirement, I finished eotn before trying the farm.

You get maybe 2-4 Glacial Stones per run, which salvage each for 4-5 Glittering Dust.
60 foes, 3~minutes to clear. Work it out if it's of any worth to you.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Connecticut USA



Thanks Spiritz.

I have HM since I've taken my two main toons through EotN. What's funny is I missed out on the whole SF ecto rush when it started. Then when I decided to roll a Sin the nerf hammer dropped. So I sent them to the bench and decided to stop farming. Since I feel like doing it again, it seems the two best classes for it are the ones I never progressed through the game, lol. My poor monk has been crying since they nerfed 600/smite.

Story of my GW life, day late and an ecto short, lol.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Sins are still usefull - vaetires , fire imps and ice imps , ice golems from from prophs and first 2 waves of snowmen can be farmed easily with adjustment to either a/me , me/a or e/me - acutally ele needs 1 skill change only can be easily done without changing build tbh where other 2 is also 1 skill but swap shield for ar 10 vs ice or fire mod and use mantra of xxxx depending on foes


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2008

Deadly Seven Sins [xs]


Ya i farmed over and over in the Jaga i lost count of how many of these things i killed and still got no gold drops. Probably because im not in HM.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009

dirty ballsack



Some guildies were saying that vaetirs aren'y dropping stuff anymore.

Anyone else experiencing this?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

what build do you guys use to farm the vaettirs ?