22 Sep 2010 at 08:48 - 2
My 2 cents:
Great conch -> Fuuuuugly! 15kish orso.
Jade sword -> ~10k
Inscribable short -> Merch or hero it
Falchion -> 5kish, really really common. If you find it a har sale just merch.
Celestial staff -> 30-35kish imo
Dryad -> Not sure how much do those go nowadays... so wait for experts' opinions :P
Eternal -> I'd merch, imposible attribute for an ele, bad base for a warrior.
Broadsword -> If it were non-inscribable could worth a lot more... thataway i'd say 10kish, 15 tops. Salvage first if you wish.
Oni -> Merch (pity base) or few plats for a collector imo.
Plagueborn -> Up to 20kish depending on interest.
Shadow blade -> 5kish tops imo.
Zodiac -> Unfortunately singlemodded=merch. Could be har to sell even to a collector of r8s.
Great conch 2 -> Similar reasoning as #1
Froggy -> Something like 40kish maybe. Wait for more opinions btw. (Salvage at least the Forget me not before selling)
Plague focus -> Mecrh
There, my humble opinion. I would wait for more opinions to get a more accurate price on each.
Oh, and as a little advice. Try not to put so many items at a time. PCers tend to avoid the thread if there are so many of em :P