Clearing out Inventory, PC on Items


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007


Hi All

Just tried to put stuff into my Inventory and realised I had used it all up, so wanting to clear it out. Price check on the following stuff, I know most of it will be crap.

7 x Dwarven Ales
8 x Hard Apple Ciders
13 x Witches Brew
11 x Flasks Of Fire Water
1 x Zehtuka's Jug
24 x Vials Of Absinth
23 x Bottles of Grog
1 x Aged Dwarven Ale

35 x Candy Apples
11 x Creme Brulees
18 x Candy Corn
36 x Pumpkin Cookies

14 x Squash Serums
9 x Transmorgifier Tonics
7 x Ghost in the boxes
1 x Macabre Tonic

2 x Hanjuus Bludgeoner
Lord Glaclus Staff
Elsnils Fridgidheart

See pic for golds.

Dervish Tome
Assasin Tome
Necromancer Tome
Warrior Tome
Paragon Tome


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007


Bump ^^

Updated with Gold Screen Shots. I also have the following minis.

Miniature Char Shaman
Miniature Abyssal
Miniature Palawa Joko
Minature Burning Titan (Dedicated)
2 x Minature Hydra
Miniature Harpy Ranger
3 x Miniature Jungle Troll
Miniature Wind Rider
Miniature Black Beast Of Arrrrgggghhhh (Dedicated)
Miniature Kveldulf
Miniature Fire Imp
Minature Seer
2 x Miniature Forest Minotaur
Miniature Aatxe
Miniature Siege Turtle
2 x Miniature Whiptail Devourer
Miniature Mandragor Imp
2 x Miniature Heket Warrior
Miniature Fungal Wallow
Miniature Juggernaut


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007


Bump ^^^ I am starting to get the fealing my stuff is worthless, lol.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

req 9 celestial should be worth some good loot seems to be the best item of the lot
someone else can probably be more specific

Marcus Vivinus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


I'm new to PCing, so don't take anything I tell you for granted on weapons, but anyway;
-Alcohol; was about 80g/point before the Grog dropped, I see someone selling for 50g now
-Sweet; about 130-140g/point
-Party; about 180/point
^for amount of points, wiki it.

Minis and tomes; check

-Golden Talons
-Celestial Shield Q12 (the req kills it, skin isn't that wanted either)
-Hanjuu's Bludgeoner
-Glacius's Staff (or use it on a hero, good mods)
-Elsnil's Frigid Staff (^ )
-Air Prism (high req, not sure if the skin's worth anything)

Bramble Shortbow about 5-10k for skin


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007


Bump ^^^^ Need more money, lol



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2007

Originally Posted by Marcus Vivinus View Post
I'm new to PCing, so don't take anything I tell you for granted on weapons, but anyway;
Your opnion is as valid as anyone else's. After all is an opinion. There's not an exact or a correct PC as it depends on many factors.

Btw, my 2 cents:

-Alcohol 60-70g point, cept for hard apple cider, easily 1k each.
-Sweet 100g point if no added effect (i.e Creme bruilees). Candy and cookies you listed are bout 200-250g each
-Transmogrifier tonic ~300g. Rest of party items listed are 1 point so ~150g.

-Hanjuus -> Merch
-Glacius & elnis ~3k each

-Talons -> Merch
-Chalice -> Merch
-Draconic -> ~40kish
-Foehammer -> Merch
-Grinning recurve -> Merch
-Onyx staff -> Merch or 2-3k
-Onyx scepter -> Merch
-Strength Cele shield -> 15kish
-Goldleaf -> Merch
-Air prism -> Merch
-Tactics Cele -> Merch
-Bramble -> merch
-Kappa -> 5-8kish

Dervish tomes -> ~600g
Assa tomes -> ~200g
Necromancer tomes -> ~700g
Warrior tomes -> ~300g
Paragon tomes -> ~400-500g

Charr Shaman ~2k
Abyssal 4-5k
Joko 3-4k
Ded burning Merch or 500g
Hydra 500g-1k
Harpy 1-2k
Jungle troll 1-1.5k
Wind rider ~1.5k
Ded Aaargh ~5-8kish imo
kvedulf 4-5k
Fire imp ~2-3k
Seer 15-20k
Forest minotaur 4-5k
Aatxe ~1-1.5k
Siege turtle ~1-1.5k
Devourer 500g-1k
Mandragor 3-4k
Hekket ~2k
Fungal 1-2k
Jugge 1-2k