Hi All
Just tried to put stuff into my Inventory and realised I had used it all up, so wanting to clear it out. Price check on the following stuff, I know most of it will be crap.
7 x Dwarven Ales
8 x Hard Apple Ciders
13 x Witches Brew
11 x Flasks Of Fire Water
1 x Zehtuka's Jug
24 x Vials Of Absinth
23 x Bottles of Grog
1 x Aged Dwarven Ale
35 x Candy Apples
11 x Creme Brulees
18 x Candy Corn
36 x Pumpkin Cookies
14 x Squash Serums
9 x Transmorgifier Tonics
7 x Ghost in the boxes
1 x Macabre Tonic
2 x Hanjuus Bludgeoner
Lord Glaclus Staff
Elsnils Fridgidheart
See pic for golds.
Dervish Tome
Assasin Tome
Necromancer Tome
Warrior Tome
Paragon Tome
Clearing out Inventory, PC on Items
Bump ^^
Updated with Gold Screen Shots. I also have the following minis.
Miniature Char Shaman
Miniature Abyssal
Miniature Palawa Joko
Minature Burning Titan (Dedicated)
2 x Minature Hydra
Miniature Harpy Ranger
3 x Miniature Jungle Troll
Miniature Wind Rider
Miniature Black Beast Of Arrrrgggghhhh (Dedicated)
Miniature Kveldulf
Miniature Fire Imp
Minature Seer
2 x Miniature Forest Minotaur
Miniature Aatxe
Miniature Siege Turtle
2 x Miniature Whiptail Devourer
Miniature Mandragor Imp
2 x Miniature Heket Warrior
Miniature Fungal Wallow
Miniature Juggernaut
Updated with Gold Screen Shots. I also have the following minis.
Miniature Char Shaman
Miniature Abyssal
Miniature Palawa Joko
Minature Burning Titan (Dedicated)
2 x Minature Hydra
Miniature Harpy Ranger
3 x Miniature Jungle Troll
Miniature Wind Rider
Miniature Black Beast Of Arrrrgggghhhh (Dedicated)
Miniature Kveldulf
Miniature Fire Imp
Minature Seer
2 x Miniature Forest Minotaur
Miniature Aatxe
Miniature Siege Turtle
2 x Miniature Whiptail Devourer
Miniature Mandragor Imp
2 x Miniature Heket Warrior
Miniature Fungal Wallow
Miniature Juggernaut
Bump ^^^ I am starting to get the fealing my stuff is worthless, lol.
req 9 celestial should be worth some good loot seems to be the best item of the lot
someone else can probably be more specific
someone else can probably be more specific
Marcus Vivinus
I'm new to PCing, so don't take anything I tell you for granted on weapons, but anyway;
-Alcohol; was about 80g/point before the Grog dropped, I see someone selling for 50g now
-Sweet; about 130-140g/point
-Party; about 180/point
^for amount of points, wiki it.
Minis and tomes; check
-Golden Talons
-Celestial Shield Q12 (the req kills it, skin isn't that wanted either)
-Hanjuu's Bludgeoner
-Glacius's Staff (or use it on a hero, good mods)
-Elsnil's Frigid Staff (^ )
-Air Prism (high req, not sure if the skin's worth anything)
Bramble Shortbow about 5-10k for skin
-Alcohol; was about 80g/point before the Grog dropped, I see someone selling for 50g now
-Sweet; about 130-140g/point
-Party; about 180/point
^for amount of points, wiki it.
Minis and tomes; check
-Golden Talons
-Celestial Shield Q12 (the req kills it, skin isn't that wanted either)
-Hanjuu's Bludgeoner
-Glacius's Staff (or use it on a hero, good mods)
-Elsnil's Frigid Staff (^ )
-Air Prism (high req, not sure if the skin's worth anything)
Bramble Shortbow about 5-10k for skin
Bump ^^^^ Need more money, lol
I'm new to PCing, so don't take anything I tell you for granted on weapons, but anyway;
Btw, my 2 cents:
-Alcohol 60-70g point, cept for hard apple cider, easily 1k each.
-Sweet 100g point if no added effect (i.e Creme bruilees). Candy and cookies you listed are bout 200-250g each
-Transmogrifier tonic ~300g. Rest of party items listed are 1 point so ~150g.
-Hanjuus -> Merch
-Glacius & elnis ~3k each
-Talons -> Merch
-Chalice -> Merch
-Draconic -> ~40kish
-Foehammer -> Merch
-Grinning recurve -> Merch
-Onyx staff -> Merch or 2-3k
-Onyx scepter -> Merch
-Strength Cele shield -> 15kish
-Goldleaf -> Merch
-Air prism -> Merch
-Tactics Cele -> Merch
-Bramble -> merch
-Kappa -> 5-8kish
Dervish tomes -> ~600g
Assa tomes -> ~200g
Necromancer tomes -> ~700g
Warrior tomes -> ~300g
Paragon tomes -> ~400-500g
Charr Shaman ~2k
Abyssal 4-5k
Joko 3-4k
Ded burning Merch or 500g
Hydra 500g-1k
Harpy 1-2k
Jungle troll 1-1.5k
Wind rider ~1.5k
Ded Aaargh ~5-8kish imo
kvedulf 4-5k
Fire imp ~2-3k
Seer 15-20k
Forest minotaur 4-5k
Aatxe ~1-1.5k
Siege turtle ~1-1.5k
Devourer 500g-1k
Mandragor 3-4k
Hekket ~2k
Fungal 1-2k
Jugge 1-2k