Starting at Noon Pacific (-7 GMT) this Friday, receive double the gold and experience rewards when you successfully vanquish certain areas in Hard Mode. In addition, we've doubled the drop rate of scrolls, and scroll effects will last twice as long as normal. These bonuses last through Sunday at 11:59 PM Pacific (-7 GMT). |
Double Gold, Scrolls and XP for Vanquishing this weekend
And just to nip this in the bud, YES you will receive double faction/reputation points too.
hmm I may work a bit on my kurz/lux titles. I can't remember which my allience is...
edit: Koorzeeck it seems. I'll have to check if upier has finish those maybe I can convince him to get on for some vanqs.
edit: Koorzeeck it seems. I'll have to check if upier has finish those maybe I can convince him to get on for some vanqs.
Rocky Raccoon
When they say certain areas how do we know which they mean?
How sure are you of this? No disrepect but where do (did) you get this info from? I just want to be sure cause I would love to work on my kurzick title too
Lord Dagon
awsome i like double faction...
so we can assume that exp rewards=faction too?
b/c if so im MQVQing all weekend xD
so we can assume that exp rewards=faction too?
b/c if so im MQVQing all weekend xD
Wow I had no idea you get double faction on vanquishing weekends...and i've been playing for two years. Nice thanks much for the heads up
"Certian areas" means any area that counts towards the Vanquisher Title.
(Placed like the The Undercity in Cantha and the Domain(s) of_________ in Nightfall don't fall in this catergory.)
(Placed like the The Undercity in Cantha and the Domain(s) of_________ in Nightfall don't fall in this catergory.)
And just to nip this in the bud, YES you will receive double faction/reputation points too.
sorry.. my bad.. lol.. didnt realize you said faction/rep points.
I'm just going on history... every time they've had this event, the faction/rep/rank stuff has been doubled. There's never been a case of any of the events behaving differently at different times. There is, however, a long and storied history of typos in event announcements.
Just to clarify - you get the bonus doubled on vq .. meaning say mount qinkai when vanquished will give x2 the faction bonus ( usually vq bonus is around 7k so you will recieve 14k luxon ).
Why anet never bothers to clearly state what is given is beyond me - quite a lot of confusion at events is caused by anets inability to give clear info.
I`ll be working on lux title and maybe a spot of eotn
Why anet never bothers to clearly state what is given is beyond me - quite a lot of confusion at events is caused by anets inability to give clear info.
I`ll be working on lux title and maybe a spot of eotn
Should get the final few EotN things done (although I've already maxed the faction titles). And then just work on hitting the Luxon territories.
Are also GWEN title included? In wiki it was written (for the previous vanquish event) that only kurzick/luxon and SS/LB were doubled. Now it says all of them. Can you confirm this?
Yes, EOTN rep points have always been doubled in previous instances of this weekend event. No reason to expect otherwise this time.
Just to clarify - you get the bonus doubled on vq .. meaning say mount qinkai when vanquished will give x2 the faction bonus ( usually vq bonus is around 7k so you will recieve 14k luxon ).
For Factions, many of the reputation points come from the vanquishing bonus. So while you will still be getting normal bounty points, it's still a good deal.
For EoTN, most of the reputation points come from the bounty. Doubling the 1-2K bonus is nice, but it's nowhere near as good as a true "double point" weekend.