R9, R10 Iridescent Aegis command/Tactics ; Adamantine; SotW etc.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


All gold inscribables that are taking up storage space:

2x R10 Tactics Iridescent Aegis
2x R10 Command Iridescent Aegis

1x R9 Command Iridescent Aegis
1x R9 Tactics Adamantine Shield
2x R9 Tactics Shield of the Wing (using Strength ones from Hulen Hairyback)
2x R9 Tactics Exalted Aegis (been trying to trade for strength one)

Just wondering if I should merch them since I only use Diamond Aegises. Maybe I'll put them on the giveaway forum.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


12 months ago i would have merched them all and 12 months later id still merch them

salvage any perf mods from it then merch it