I'm looking for runs through the following areas for my HoM:
The Deep NM
Urgoz's Warren NM
Mallyx the Unyielding (All quest parts) NM
Fissure of Woe NM
The Underworld NM
I am also looking for somebody who will afk vanquish Tyria for me, but I won't be able to start that until a month or so. Nevertheless, feel free to post a price for that as well.
I am only able to play during the weekends. My timezone is GMT +1, or Europe Standard Time. Please post below if you offer the service, and how much you are charging.
Yours sincerely,
Lord Mip
LF Runs through Elite Areas
Lord Mip
Congrats on Sorrow's Furnace.=p
Lord Mip
Bumpidy bump
Might be able to help you with FoW but don't have a set price for it. Contact me in-game and we might be able to sort something out.
IGN: Magic Ling
IGN: Magic Ling
Lord Mip
Bump. Still looking for runs
Warrior Babes
can take u on a deep run
will be HM but guess thats not to bad
<- ign
will be HM but guess thats not to bad
<- ign
I can do the FoW run, and at least 2 areas in the DoA, all on NM.
Ingame name: Lord Milennin
Ingame name: Lord Milennin