Cut scenes/cinematic's
What is your fave cut scenes or cinematic in the whole guild wars 1 series of games/expansions? why is it your fave?

gw is so predictably cheesy but i like cheese, so i don't mind. my most memorable cutscene (not sure if its my fave) is factions after the turtle mishy, when the luxons and kurzicks unite. so lame and cheesy. i love it.
sidenote: i'm the type who pretty much pugged everything and refuses to skip cutscenes the first time through. i annoyed lots of people i'm sure.
sidenote: i'm the type who pretty much pugged everything and refuses to skip cutscenes the first time through. i annoyed lots of people i'm sure.
Vizunah Square, always makes me laugh how at the end if you have a minion master the minions start attacking the story ghost guys when they are doing the cutscene
Mintha Syl
Arborstone, when Mhenlo gets trapped behind the cathedral rock fall...finally I got rid of him, lol!
A pretty funny one is when we meet Evennia and all prody say something like surrender, we cought you!! and then all those blades people arrive to surround us "no it's you who must surrender" "erhm....ok, I was joking"
A pretty funny one is when we meet Evennia and all prody say something like surrender, we cought you!! and then all those blades people arrive to surround us "no it's you who must surrender" "erhm....ok, I was joking"
Well, the Palawa Joko defeat from the Bonus mission pack is the only really good action sequence.
However, EotN has some nice ones. The starter one, for example, the one where you first meet Vekk and Ogden (mind you, the bit with Vekk disabling the gate - really nice).
Oh, and while the whole videos might not all be good in their entirety... you always have nice well done lines. Like... "I'll hobble you. I'll stake you out in the sun. Then, I'll give you to the little mouse. She LIKES to hurt charr..."
However, EotN has some nice ones. The starter one, for example, the one where you first meet Vekk and Ogden (mind you, the bit with Vekk disabling the gate - really nice).
Oh, and while the whole videos might not all be good in their entirety... you always have nice well done lines. Like... "I'll hobble you. I'll stake you out in the sun. Then, I'll give you to the little mouse. She LIKES to hurt charr..."
Ataliwr Carl
My fave is when Pawala joko returns to his bone palace and is ordering his minions about, classic humour there
Mintha Syl
My fave is when Pawala joko returns to his bone palace and is ordering his minions about, classic humour there
Sirius Bsns
I usually just skip through them all, but if I had to choose, I'd go with the Prophecies scene of Undead Rurik in Hell's Precipice. I don't know exactly why I like the scene above all, but it was a big deal to me to watch a major character like Prince Rurik die in the end.
''The last day dawns on the kingdom of Ascalon...''
<3 <3 <3
Makes me feel all warm and tingly on the inside.
<3 <3 <3
Makes me feel all warm and tingly on the inside.
Frost Gate ending and Undead Rurik scenes in Hell's.
I hated to see him die in the Frost Gate ending, and i was saddened when I had to finally kill him in Hell's. He was such a great guy
I hated to see him die in the Frost Gate ending, and i was saddened when I had to finally kill him in Hell's. He was such a great guy
Absolute Destiny
"I'll hobble you. I'll stake you out in the sun. Then, I'll give you to the little mouse. She likes to hurt Charr..."
...best line ever!
My fav is probably the end of Rilohn Refuge/Pogahn Passage, just because I like the Hunger's voice.
"Varesh does not need generals. She needs us. Do not make her choose."
...best line ever!
My fav is probably the end of Rilohn Refuge/Pogahn Passage, just because I like the Hunger's voice.
"Varesh does not need generals. She needs us. Do not make her choose."
Charlie Dayman
The EOTN scene where Pyre shoots that other Charr in the throat comes to mind.
Pffft. No contest.
The Dolyak stampede in Ice Caves of Sorrow.
Also, "Rurick - nooooooooooooooo!" is always good for a laugh.
Er, spoilers....
The Dolyak stampede in Ice Caves of Sorrow.
Also, "Rurick - nooooooooooooooo!" is always good for a laugh.
Er, spoilers....
"There are no gods! There are no gods!"
I ALWAYS watch that one....and turn up the volume
just love it to death
I ALWAYS watch that one....and turn up the volume
just love it to death

No no no! the best is stars norgu and goren! when they are talking while kourna's are coming up behind them and norgue screams like a girl! second best is when rurick dies and third best is when togo dies. xD and the gwen/pyre ones are nice. i would love to see gwen spray pyre with a water bottle and say bad kitty.
Skyy High
All the BMP cutscenes kick ass, Turai Ossa in particular.
The BMP cutscenes, with Togo. I loved how it was like a classic martial arts movie.
The best cutscenes seem to be the ones where characters aren't doing lame voice acting, or /emotes
The best cutscenes seem to be the ones where characters aren't doing lame voice acting, or /emotes
Polgara Val
Gyala Hatchery at the end of the cut scene when the luxon sais "The Kurzicks" with clenched teeth, always made me laugh.
Pyre's introduction cinematic for sure.
Sankt Hallvard
The best one is when you reach the first kurzick city. In order to enter you need to get a ride from lift operator schulz(or something) and the lift is powered by a genetically modified, overgrown rat running a hamster-wheel. Makes me smile.
The best one is when you reach the first kurzick city. In order to enter you need to get a ride from lift operator schulz(or something) and the lift is powered by a genetically modified, overgrown rat running a hamster-wheel. Makes me smile.
And yes, the one with Palawa ordering around his useless minions is one of my all-time favorites. The dolyak stampede always makes me chuckle (I just love dolyaks in general).
Also, it's not a cutscene, but I like the dialogue at the beginning of the Chabekh Village mission, where Kormir completely rips Koss apart about his battle techniques.
I also watch all the cutscenes (and do all the side quests just for kicks), but I haven't been playing missions in a while (doing other stuff atm), so none come to mind. But I know that I loved many of them, and I'm sure if people bring more up, it'd spark my memory.
The people who ignore these things like cutscenes and side quests are really missing out.

+1 for "No, No, No! Mummified flesh on the left! Dried bones on the right! No, your other right! You worthless bits of animated anatomy!"
No no no! the best is stars norgu and goren! when they are talking while kourna's are coming up behind them and norgue screams like a girl! second best is when rurick dies and third best is when togo dies. xD and the gwen/pyre ones are nice. i would love to see gwen spray pyre with a water bottle and say bad kitty.