Price Check on some gold and green weapons.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010

Take It With A Growth Hormone


Hi I need a price check on some weapons i picked up:
Jeahr's Daggers - slashing dmg 7-17 req 9, damage +15% while in a stance, dagger mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills) energy gain on hit: 1 energy regen -1

Falaharn's Split Chakrams - Slashing dmg 7-17 req 9, damage 15% (while health is above 50%) Lengthens Dazed duration on foes by 33% (stacking) health +30

Kole's Torment - Energy +10 Dark dmg 11-22 req 9 blood magic, Halves casting time of spells (chance 10%) halves recharge of spells (chance 20%) Health + 30, Energy +

Kole's Guantlet - Energy +12 req 9 soul reaping, reduces poison duration on you by 20% health +30

And a gold sword:

Vampiric Wicked Blade of Swordsmanship - slashing dmg 15-22 req 9 swordsmanship, dmg +15% while health is above 50%, life draining 3, health regen -1, swordsmanship +1 (19% chance while using skills)

Thanks, If anyone wants to buy them tell me.