Looking to solo farm Smite Crawlers for Ecto - what's a decent build



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


I know I can search pvxwiki and find a ton of builds, but I want your opinion. I was thinking maybe a Dervish build, not having to worry about dying nightmares, rending aura, and not being squishy to aatxes sounds good to me.

But I've been on hiatus for a few years, so I don't know what's the most recent. Which solo build is the fastest? Safest?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006




I can tear through smites in roughly 20-30 minutes with the spirit spammer. Then you can mozey on over to the planes and clear that mess out too. Very safe build if thats what your aiming for.


Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Build doesn't particularly matter for smites, it's more about the technique. From some another thread:

Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade
They're tricky because they can heal themselves a little, can remove hexes (Painful Bond, if you're running it), and can kill your spirits with their smiting skills. What you can do is spread your spirits out so Zealot's Fire will only hit one spirit at a time and then recast it once they move onto the next one. It's a bit fiddly and may take an attempt or two but it's definitely possible to kill them.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2007

Sydney, Australia

Haze of Light [pure]


I find my spirits dying from Shield Of Judgement unless I take disenchantment. Which is why in terms of time to clear smites versus taking disenchantment, I generally dont bother. Its faster to clear the other areas and then reload a character designed specifically for smites and clear that if you absolutely wanted to do them too.

Otherwise, if you got 2 accounts and 2 computers, go into UW with both, use the spirit spammer to clear chamber, run the other guy to smites, clear that, quit him out of UW, and then do the rest of UW on the spirit spammer.

Oh, for me the fastest is the W/Me smite farmer on pvx. Can kill all the smites in UW in 3 pulls if done correctly, 4 if you stuff up the pull in the middle which I do most of the time. Takes about 5 minutes to actually clear the wastes when you know how.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006




A couple people touched on the theme for smites. my build is SoS spammer.
armor of unfeeling
summon spirits

like marty said, approach and technique rule the day. You need to drag the smites backwards, constantly pulling your spirits with you using summon.
Smites do a rediculous amount of dmg considering they only use like 3 skills. Try and avoid pulling 2 mobs at all costs. your spirits just are not build for that kind of abuse.


Jk Arrow

Jk Arrow

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2008


Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


I use almost the same build as Cronk but split my atts a bit different as I bring Spiritleech Aura instead of Summon Spirits. Don't know if it makes much difference either way. Cronk's might be just a tad faster overall but I find if I do go kill smites it helps keep them alive longer through SoJ. And don't use Painful Bond against them. I usually skip smites though since it takes too long to kill them. Usually just all the Aataxe and Skeles I can find...



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007

da 671, Guam


i use a w/d build that can be found at pvxwiki which includes reding aura and hb+whirlwind+lions comfort to spam some AoE on the smites and squid in the beginning. The build focuses more on killing only smites and squid and not aatxes or any other enemy. The jist is to pretty much clear the chamber of squid then sprint ur way over to the smites where you aoe them while avoiding the drakes (or w/e they are forgot since it's been awhile). I'm not sure if you can do the same with a D/W but you can try =)

Black Metal

Black Metal

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2009


i haven't farmed ice wastes in a very long time but when I did, it was w/rt vwk + vengeful weapon with a very nice build that was also fairly popular. Is this still viable?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

It should be. I don't recall any changes to any of the skills. You might have trouble with skeletons though, but I doubt it. You can always try and find out.

Black Metal

Black Metal

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2009


I just tried it. The build works perfectly fine, every bit as good as before, but the skeletons really mess it up. It's possible to easily break aggro with sprint, but they have such a big wandering around range that they can force you to run into coldfires ore more skeletons. It's possible but very tedious, whereas before it used to be super easy and brainless. Not worth my time any more.

Camel Sausage

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Order of Kume


I quite like this chamber/wastes/plains, http://pvx.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Pv...ame=&Go=Submit

Also, no asking for builds, close thread?