Secret cow level
Hi, I'm pretty bored of guild wars, it's too easy. I've tried all sorts of things to make it harder e.g. playing naked, using frenzy..
Can we have a secret cow level with 100x level 50 cows that drop 5 ectos each please?
Can we have a secret cow level with 100x level 50 cows that drop 5 ectos each please?
The Scythe Has Fallen
ur sir, r funny.
Highlander Of Alba
certainly you can
Just log onto D2.............. OR wait for D3
Just log onto D2.............. OR wait for D3
i lol'd 12 chars
Rumi The Poet
90% of people in Diablo hack and cheat. Plus the servers are junk . If you want a challenge solo Dhuum naked with frenzy and send me a screenshot. Moo Moo
lolz funny very funny
Yes, and the cows have 3 insta-cast enchantment removals, RoJ, a knockdown, and all of their basic attacks are armor ignoring.
The area is a solo instance that does not allow a party of any size.
Good luck killing them
The area is a solo instance that does not allow a party of any size.
Good luck killing them
Please, do not post joke threads in Sardelac...
Sirius Bsns
In b4 teh /threadlockz?!
I got a suggestion! Go outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Lord Dagon
snowman relic
go into Random Arenas with no armor on on a caster using only frenzy
There is no cow level.