PC for many golds


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Tyria, duh...

Knights of the Alliance


Been gone from GW for quite a while. Lots of junk golds here, just looking to see what I could get. You don't need to tell me what the junk is worth, just say what ISN'T merch stuff and PC it. If there is just too much stuff, leave a reply saying so.

I really appreciate it!

Boar Scepter req9 Divine Favor
+5 Energy, Memory 19%

Scepter of the Forgotten req11 Domination
+15%/stance, Quickening 10%

Butterfly Mirror req12 Inspiration
Health +29, Armor +5 vs Elemental

Furious Suntouched Spear
10% Double Adrenaline, Health +29

Scepter of the Forgotten req12 Spawning Power

Tribal Schield of Valor req10 Motivation
Health + 58/Hexed, Enchantments +19% duration

Zealous Ruby Maul req11 Hammer Mastery
Armor +5, Halves cast time 10%

Bronze Crusher
Health + 30, Halves skill recharge 10%

Water Wand req 8 Water Magic
Energy +5/Hexed, Halves recharge 10%

Earth Wand req9 Earth Magic
Energy +5/Hexed

Earth Wand req10 Earth Magic
Halves cast time 8%

Storm Artifact req 12 Air Magic
Energy +12, Armor +4/Attacking

Frost Artifact req10 Water Magic
Energy +12, Reduce Daze 33%

Earth Scroll req11 Earth Magic
Energy +12, Halves Fire Magic recharge 20%

Raven Staff
Energy +10, Energy +5, Halve casting time 9%, Health +29

Air Staff req9 Air Magic
Energy +5, Health +29

Silencing Guilded Daggers of Defense req8 Dagger Mastery
Armor +5, 15^50

Barged Steel Daggers of Fortitude req9 Dagger Mastery
Health +30, +15% vs Hexed

Shocking Half Moon of Warding req11 Marksmanship
15^50, Armor +7 vs Elemental

Poisonous Shortbow of Warding req9 Marksmanship
Energy +5, Armor +7 vs Elemental

Zealous Flatbow of Marksmanship req11 Marksmanship
15^50, Marksmanship +1 19%

Barbed Barbed Axe of Warding req10 Axe Mastery
+15% vs Hexed, Armor +7 vs Elemental

Vampiric Composite Bow req9 Marksmanship
4/-1 Vamp, 14^50

Zealous Azure Shortbow req9 Marksmanship
Health +29, Halves casting time 10%

Ebon Flatbow of Defense
+15%/Enchanted, Armor +5

Barbed Longbow req12 Marksmanship
+15%/ -5 Energy

Poisonous Shadow Bow of Defense req9 Marksmanship
14^50, Armor +5

Soul Spire req9 Soul Reaping
Energy +10, Halve skill recharge 20%, Energy +7 under 50%

Plagueborn Staff req 11 Restoration
Health +28, Armor +7 vs Elemental

Protective Icon req 8 Protection
Energy +12 Halve Casting time 8%

Shocking War Hammer req10 Hammer Mastery
15^50, Enchantment +19% duration

Furious Cleaver req11 Axe Mastery
+15%/Stance, Double adrenaline 10%

Ornate Buckler
-2 Damage/Enchanted, Blood Magic +1 20%

Zealous Shortsword req9 Swordsmanship

Cruel Longsword req10 Swordsmanship
+20% under 50%, Enchantments +15% duration

Vampiric Celestial Sword of Swordsmanship req9 Swordsmanship
3/-1, +14%/Enchantment, Swordsmanship +1 19%

Defender req7 Strength
Blood Magic +1 20%, -2 Damage/Stance

Icy Gladius of Defense Req8 Swordsmanship
15^50, Armor +5