does anyone kno the best play to sell stacks fo feathers in factions? i only have factions and i been farming feathers when im bored and idk where to sell'em ive tried kaening center but no one ever seems to want to buy them there.
oh and if ya wanta buy some hit me up in game
IGN is sogy cereal
Masacru Ak
Best town to Sell, buying trading is Kamadan America dist . Try there , they are many people who buying Stacks of feathers, of course if you have Nf, if not try Great Temple of Bathazar( america dist again) .
Jk Arrow
OP says Factions only. So yeah, KC or maybe GtoB. Could always try Seitung which I think is where peeps farm out of. Otherwise my suggestion would be to post on the WTS area here, I'm sure people will buy feathers from ya. Good luck.
Is this the right area for this thread? For some reason I'm thinking its not but could be wrong...
Is this the right area for this thread? For some reason I'm thinking its not but could be wrong...
Question like this belongs in QA tbh. But really your not going to find a good place to sell these without picking up nightfall or proph as KC and to a lesser extent LA are the selling towns these days. Hate to say it but your screwed without either of the other 2 :\ luckly both are avalible fairly cheap these days.
edit: relised I should have noted if you wished you could always try a sell thread on here if you have more then a stack or two.
edit: relised I should have noted if you wished you could always try a sell thread on here if you have more then a stack or two.
You could also sell them through Guru Auctions.
got the other campaigns now so im good on where to sell'em lol even tho im so busy with the other campaigns i haven't been able to farm'em