PvE: Gulfstream El Taco [GS] high end pve guild lf more

barbie pryncess

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2009

Dhumm and Mallyx are Waits play [ToYs]


Gulfstream El Taco is a reform of Gulfstream owners club.We are a high end PvE guild that focuses on DoA. We pride ourselves on being able to complete elite areas relatively fast and with relative ease. We are Kurzick and part of the SMF Alliance. GS is a collaboration of both Euro and American Players. Our current DoA record time is 35 min solo tank. We like to go for records while having a good time. We have branched out more into UW and dungeons so their is always activity in the guild.

If you feel like GS would suit you please apply on our forums, http://gulfstream.forumotion.com please make sure to be as detailed in your application as possible.

You need to have

1) A variety of characters in DoA (either a Mesmer, Monk, Ele or Sin) and the basic experience and knowledge required to play those proffesions in a build. They also need to have sufficent EoTN/LB/SS ranks, we will tell you in your application what/if needs to be higher.
2) Ventrilo + Microphone
3) Need to be an active player (preferably on every evening).
4) You need to be intelligent and have a good ability to follow specific instructions, you also need to be able to speak and understand English at a good level.
5) We do not have an age limit in the guild, players are judged solely on the type of player they are, if you are 14 years old but a good player you won't be turned down, however if you are a 40 year old and you are terrible, you will.
6) We are very laid back and relaxed in the guild, you will not survive here if you cannot take a joke.

Please feel free to contact any of the officers or leader in game.

Leader : The Levy

Officers -

Mooky Em
Barbie Pryncess
Rlde me ruthlessly
Fawx Hearts Boase
Akasha Lightbringer
Mesmorizing Lemon
Makwa Soulwolf