Champion of the Gods
Champion of the Gods. That is the ultimate reward title for those who prefer living in Tyria for 5 years over having a life. (In response to recent events, I am compelled to let you know that my previous statement was intended as satire and does not reflect actual reality.)
For such a great and admirable achievement, this title sounds rather unimpressive, doesn't it? I mean, it sounds like something I would obtain by acquiring a good standing with the temple faction - it's alright, but nothing really eye-catching.
Agree / disagree / facepalm?
For such a great and admirable achievement, this title sounds rather unimpressive, doesn't it? I mean, it sounds like something I would obtain by acquiring a good standing with the temple faction - it's alright, but nothing really eye-catching.
Agree / disagree / facepalm?
Where's the "facepalm" option?
So what would name it then?
Oh I don't know, I'm not responsible for that kind of stuff. 
But seeing how I'm easily impressed and childish, long and cheesy titles like I Have Many Leather Bound Books and My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany tend to have a greater awe factor for me.

But seeing how I'm easily impressed and childish, long and cheesy titles like I Have Many Leather Bound Books and My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany tend to have a greater awe factor for me.
Crimson Robes
Be pro, get GWAMM in GW1 and in GW2 you will have the title....
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals
I think Legend of the Mists sounds better but I guess it's all opinion. I need 2 more points for Flameseeker and I don't think i'll go past that.
Titles alone are a bit on the lameish side, what they should have done is shifted all the bonus items to the right of the reward meter so that the Fire Gods Vambrances are obtained with the Champion title, and the first batch of armor isn't obtainable until Chosen.
That's just my opinion though, seems like they're giving too much away too early TBH. And yes, Legend of the Mists > Champion of the Gods.
That's just my opinion though, seems like they're giving too much away too early TBH. And yes, Legend of the Mists > Champion of the Gods.
I would name it: "Been there, done that. All of it".
But that's just me.
But that's just me.
snowman relic
ummm how about no? being able to have an account for 5 years should not a title make coming from a guy who has two
ummm how about no? being able to have an account for 5 years should not a title make coming from a guy who has two
You don't receive the Champion of the Gods title for having an account for 5 years, but rather by achieving the maximal 50 points on the Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator. This encompasses a lot of different areas of Guild Wars (mostly PvE though), all of which you need to complete to a great extent in order to acquire the aforementioned title in GW2.
Shayne Hawke
What were you expecting, some kind of BAMPH! Pistol?
My goal is to get "Legend of the Mists" I'm pretty close. "Ghostly Hero" is also very nice btw.
I'm also not a fan of "Flameseeker" and "Champion of the Gods". Longer titles do mostly sound cooler for some reason...
Legendary Champion of the Gods. It's as easy as that
I'm also not a fan of "Flameseeker" and "Champion of the Gods". Longer titles do mostly sound cooler for some reason...
Legendary Champion of the Gods. It's as easy as that

"Me likey the grindy" could be an option.
I don't like how both COTG and GWAMM titles will look in GW2, just imagine a whole new game world starting and lots, lots of players running around with GOD titles already. And how will most GW2 titles look like compared to that? Isn't it way over the top? Or can you see even more epic-godly sounding titles in GW2 so it's basically the norm. Still...
* Wrong Way Anet *
The ultimate inherited titles should have been named like "Descendant of the Gods" or something else that would suggest that you got a godlike past. Godlike awesomeness in GW2 should be earned in GW2.
* Wrong Way Anet *
The ultimate inherited titles should have been named like "Descendant of the Gods" or something else that would suggest that you got a godlike past. Godlike awesomeness in GW2 should be earned in GW2.
I don't like how both COTG and GWAMM titles will look in GW2, just imagine a whole new game world starting and lots, lots of players running around with GOD titles already. And how will most GW2 titles look like compared to that? Isn't it way over the top? Or can you see even more epic-godly sounding titles in GW2 so it's basically the norm. Still...
* Wrong Way Anet * The ultimate inherited titles should have been named like "Descendant of the Gods" or something else that would suggest that you got a godlike past. Godlike awesomeness in GW2 should be earned in GW2. |
The ultimate inherited titles should have been named like "Descendant of the Gods" or something else that would suggest that you got a godlike past. Godlike awesomeness in GW2 should be earned in GW2.
Before the game is released, we are all still noobs in GW2. A level 1 noob with a god-like title does sound ridiculous.
this title sounds rather unimpressive |
...none of this changes the fact that your Gw2 character is merely a graverobber who finds your shit 250 years later. <-- ...paraphrased from a Dev quote o/c. ...and sure, you could apply some Sword in the Stone bs to it but you're still gankin someone else's shit ...IE: NOT a direct descendant.
That said, I've always been partial to "god-hand".
It atleast implies that there's a greater force behind your actions or fightng style.. etc.
That said, I've always been partial to "god-hand".
It atleast implies that there's a greater force behind your actions or fightng style.. etc.
Seriously any GW1 attained title going to matter for more than a few weeks after GW2 release?
Rekiara Malevu
The ultimate inherited titles should have been named like "Descendant of the Gods" or something else that would suggest that you got a godlike past. Godlike awesomeness in GW2 should be earned in GW2.
"Blood of the Ancient Hero" sounds good to me. Epic and acknowledging of your 'ancestor's' GW1 accomplishments, but leaving room for your character to make his own name in the world of GW2 as well.
Then again, I'll be wearing the 5-point Traveler title most of the time regardless =P
Seriously any GW1 attained title going to matter for more than a few weeks after GW2 release?
They could hardly revoke them now though. Well maybe if the titles got replaced by more 'material' rewards.
Hells Fury
God complex, god complex everywhere.
Nothing is good for you peeps.
Nothing is good for you peeps.
Probably not. I wouldn't have guessed they were adding titles in GW2 to show achievements from GW1. It probably was a poor decision in the first place.
They could hardly revoke them now though. Well maybe if the titles got replaced by more 'material' rewards. |
When they morphed into a possible commodity for GW2 they became pretty laughable imo but then again if it keeps people playing.......
I see flashy GW1 titles and "possibly" gear running amok for the first few weeks in GW2 before they become old hat and redundant outside personal gratification.Then again maybe that's the whole point.
On topic:
"Pimped My Ride(10)" is my new title submission.
I don't really mind the title, and I think Flameseeker and Legend of the Mists are equally cool. Never really cared for titles anyways, but it's something to work towards after finishing the game.8)
It's only supposed to be a nod to your accomplishments in GW1. I am sure there are plenty of awesome titles in GW2 that they want you to achieve.
Rehnahvah Gahro
Look at your title, now back to me, now back at your title, now back to me. Sadly, your title means nothing. But if you stop loitering ingame and start some srs gaming your title could mean something.
Look again! The titles are now diamonds! I'm on a horse.
Look again! The titles are now diamonds! I'm on a horse.
Black Metal
to me, it means more what it takes to earn a title, than the actual name of the title.
If the title 'Registered Sex Offender' means they maxed 35 tiers, they'll get my respect.
If the title 'Registered Sex Offender' means they maxed 35 tiers, they'll get my respect.
Dana Hawkeye
How about:
''Leech of my Ancestors'' or ''Trying to fill the boots of my ancestors''
''Leech of my Ancestors'' or ''Trying to fill the boots of my ancestors''
Here it is! Wait for it!
"Ghostly Bot Master"
Well, if only. I appreciate having something to do until GW 2 comes out. Really. The HoM turned out much much better than I expected.
"Ghostly Bot Master"
Well, if only. I appreciate having something to do until GW 2 comes out. Really. The HoM turned out much much better than I expected.
Here it is! Wait for it!
... "Ghostly Bot Master" Well, if only. I appreciate having something to do until GW 2 comes out. Really. The HoM turned out much much better than I expected. |
+1 to change Champion of the Gods to Ghostly Bot Master.
I have 2 suggestions for Champion of the God because I agree the name is not really impressive.
First : Blood of the Legendary Savior
Second : They Retired My Number (making an analogy to the sports world)
Just my 2 cents
First : Blood of the Legendary Savior
Second : They Retired My Number (making an analogy to the sports world)
Just my 2 cents
"I spent years in Tyria and all I got was this stupid title"
Zeff Nut
Look at your title, now back to me, now back at your title, now back to me. Sadly, your title means nothing. But if you stop loitering ingame and start some srs gaming your title could mean something.
Look again! The titles are now diamonds! I'm on a horse. |
Look at your title, now back to me, now back at your title, now back to me. Sadly, your title means nothing. But if you stop loitering ingame and start some srs gaming your title could mean something.
Look again! The titles are now diamonds! I'm on a horse. |
As for the OP, I don't really understand whats wrong with it. I mean is it just that it doesn't soon "cool" to you? The way a title sounds is pretty much different for every individual...
Polgara Val
Sounds a little cheesy for me, not to fussed though, Legend of the Mists is far better.