I have been collecting some mini pets over the last couple years and would like an updated PC on them if possible. I HAVE checked the sticky thread but some of them seem to be off from when I compared it to other threads.
Anyways here are the mini pets and please tell me if I have posted a wrong price, for some of them I could not find them on the sticky and have replaced them with a "???".
ALL the pets listed are UNDEDICATED! Please not that this is not a "sell" thread but a PC so please don't make offers here. I may choose to sell them later.
Here they are:
1. Miniature Aatxe - 4k
2. Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh - 100K + 15e
3. Miniature Burning Titan - 2k
4. Miniature Cloudtouched Simian - ??? (~80k?)
5. Miniature Cobalt Scabara ???
6. Miniature Elf - 10k
7. Miniature Forest Minotaur - 10k
8. Miniature Harpy Ranger - 4k
9. Miniature Hydra - 1k
10. Miniature Jade Armor - 1k
11. Miniature Juggernaut - 4k
12. Miniature Kirin - 2k
13. Miniature Koss - 10k
14. Miniature Krait Neoss - 12k
15. Miniature Kuunavang - 50e
16. Miniature Kveldulf - 12k
17. Miniature Mandragor Imp - 4k
18. Miniature Mursaat - 15k
19. Miniature Oola - ???
20. Miniature Ooze - 15k
21. Miniature Ophil Nahuali - ???
22. Miniature Raptor - 10k
23. Miniature Roarring Ether - 20k
24. Miniature Siege Devourer - ???
25. Miniature Shiro - 30k
26. Miniature Siege Turtle - 1k
27. Miniature Temple Guardian - 1k
28. Miniature Terrorweb Dryder - 12k
29. Miniature Water Djinn - 20k
30. Miniature Whiptail Devourer - 1k
31. Miniature Wind Rider - 4k
32. Miniature Zhu Hanuku - ??? (~60e)
It would be greatly appreciated if I could get an updated price check on these miniature pets, as the one in the sticky thread seemed to have changed rapidly since the last update.
Thank you in advance!
PC On Some Mini Pets (some are not listed in Sticky).