PC On Some Mini Pets (some are not listed in Sticky).


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010

I have been collecting some mini pets over the last couple years and would like an updated PC on them if possible. I HAVE checked the sticky thread but some of them seem to be off from when I compared it to other threads.

Anyways here are the mini pets and please tell me if I have posted a wrong price, for some of them I could not find them on the sticky and have replaced them with a "???".

ALL the pets listed are UNDEDICATED! Please not that this is not a "sell" thread but a PC so please don't make offers here. I may choose to sell them later.

Here they are:
1. Miniature Aatxe - 4k
2. Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh - 100K + 15e
3. Miniature Burning Titan - 2k
4. Miniature Cloudtouched Simian - ??? (~80k?)
5. Miniature Cobalt Scabara ???
6. Miniature Elf - 10k
7. Miniature Forest Minotaur - 10k
8. Miniature Harpy Ranger - 4k
9. Miniature Hydra - 1k
10. Miniature Jade Armor - 1k
11. Miniature Juggernaut - 4k
12. Miniature Kirin - 2k
13. Miniature Koss - 10k
14. Miniature Krait Neoss - 12k
15. Miniature Kuunavang - 50e
16. Miniature Kveldulf - 12k
17. Miniature Mandragor Imp - 4k
18. Miniature Mursaat - 15k
19. Miniature Oola - ???
20. Miniature Ooze - 15k
21. Miniature Ophil Nahuali - ???
22. Miniature Raptor - 10k
23. Miniature Roarring Ether - 20k
24. Miniature Siege Devourer - ???
25. Miniature Shiro - 30k
26. Miniature Siege Turtle - 1k
27. Miniature Temple Guardian - 1k
28. Miniature Terrorweb Dryder - 12k
29. Miniature Water Djinn - 20k
30. Miniature Whiptail Devourer - 1k
31. Miniature Wind Rider - 4k
32. Miniature Zhu Hanuku - ??? (~60e)

It would be greatly appreciated if I could get an updated price check on these miniature pets, as the one in the sticky thread seemed to have changed rapidly since the last update.

Thank you in advance!