Does it count again?
snowman relic
With the new HoM calculator i was wondering could i put two of the same minipet and get points for each pet? or will it only give me points for the first one?
It will only give you points for the first one, because you can't even add the second one.
I don't believe you can dedicate duplicate minis to your HoM, not even on different chars.
Skye Marin
You can add the second one on a second character, but you'll only get credit for the one copy in the account-based HoM.
dr love
you can dedicate a fungal wallow on 2 dif chars.
if it does give credit as 2 pets in the /50 thing that would be mega fail.
i wouldn't be surprised...
if it does give credit as 2 pets in the /50 thing that would be mega fail.
i wouldn't be surprised...
if it does give credit as 2 pets in the /50 thing that would be mega fail.
i wouldn't be surprised... |
I do think however that they got this right at least according to my friend you can't get double credit they said they tried.
I can confirm that, I dedicated two fungal wallows, only got credited with 1 mini for it. So at least they did think about that.