Thread Necromancy - don't do it!




Join Date: Sep 2006

Hi folks!

I just want to put this out there as a reminder:

Please look at the dates of threads you are posting in!! We don't want you bumping old threads. This includes checking when a person last updated and/or posted in their thread - not just when it was created!

With the influx of people using the search feature for certain kinds of items for their Hall of Monuments, people are more regularly bidding in threads that are inactive.

What's an inactive thread? We established some time ago that threads are inactive with the criterion of the OP not updating their thread in anyway for at least a few weeks. At that point, a thread is subject to being closed without notice by a moderator.

It is the responsibility of the users to make sure they also post accordingly if the thread is 'inactive.' So, if the thread hasn't had any activity from the thread creator in a few weeks, don't post in it! It needlessly bumps an inactive thread to the top of the thread list, which is unfair to other active threads. Repeatedly doing so will result in an infraction warning.

- The Ventari's Moderation Team