Loading Issues



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2008


Daemons of the Empyreal Dragon [DED]


Ok, so I've been having a weird array of loading problems that nobody I know has been able to find a real solution to, so I figured I'd post here. To save on some time, I'm going to be refering to my 4 accounts as #1 for my main, 2, 3, and 4.

Ok, so Thursday night, I try to log on guild wars on my desktop with account #1. I can log on, go to the character select screen, pick a character, but then during the load screen to get ingame, it freezes at 0%. I let it run for a good 20mins, no luck. So, while waiting for it to try to load, I try #2 on my laptop. It loads fine, I can move around and play no problem. So, I decided to switch it. Tried #2 on my desktop - it goes to 100% on the load screen after picking a character, but then freezes (again, let it sit for a good 20mins). And on my laptop, tried #1, and again, stuck at 0% (I tested all the characters on both accounts, they all got stuck at the same %, some trying to load into different areas than others). So, instead of trying to screw around with it, I just do a full un/re-install of GW on my desktop and laptop (downloaded the client from guildwars.com for my desktop, used my old factions disks for my laptop).

So, everything reinstalled, I try account #1 on my desktop, same problem, gets stuck at 0%. I try #2 on my laptop, again it works fine. So I try #3 on my laptop, works fine as well. Try #1 and...boom, gets stuck at 0%. Afterwards, accounts 2-4 all got stuck at 100% again just like before. So at this point on both computers, #1 is always stuck at 0%, 2-4 always at 100%. At this point I feel like it's #1 that's screwing things up, but I have had a friend log on that account for me and it worked fine, so I guess it's just a very weird coincidence or something. Anyways, I just say screw it and log everything down for the night.

Friday - get home, go through all my accounts, same problem, #1 - 0%, #2-4 - 100%. But later that night, I went through all the characters again on my laptop and after going through #1 and 2 unsuccessfully, I had luck with #3. The 2nd character I tried on that account loaded into my guild hall fine. I could talk, walk around, &c. But, I got risky and attempted to map to KC and when doing so froze up at 100%. From that point on, whenever I tried to log on that one character, it would load into my guild hall but freeze that very second, followed by an error 007 within about 15-20 seconds. So, I close it down and try the same thing on my desktop. This time, the last character on #2 worked, I could load into my guild hall (where the majority, but not all, of my characters are set to load in at). Not wanting to freeze up, I simply let this character sit in my guild hall for the rest of the day and use her to talk to alliance/guilds mates. She stays connected fine throughout the entire day until I turn off the computer that night for bed.

This problem repeated itself yesterday [Saturday] (I was able to log on one character on account #2 at 9am and she stayed online through the entire day until I logged off 3am that night.) But no other characters on accts 1, 3 or 4 would work on my laptop. The same thing even happened today, I'm sitting here with one character from account #3 loaded up on my desktop running around doing nothing since he can't leave the map. So, somehow there's always 1 character on accounts 2,3, or 4 that manage to load while no others do, and all on #1 have always stayed at 0%.

At this point, I've done a number of mundane tasks that NCSoft support has asked me to do, run a diagnoses of my computer (after which they tell me that my vid card is out of date on my desktop and advise me to upgrade its drivers, which I do but to no help [this was told to me as of Friday night]. And just a bit ago I receive another email from them telling me to upgrade the drivers on my laptop vid card.... ]) So I just want to make it clear, the vid cards (even though they are different, not even the same manufactures and made years apart and so should not have any affect on this whole situation) have been updated. I've also downloaded a number of programs to scan for viruses/malware/etc and both of my computers are clean.

I also know that since I'm on a college campus, some colleges have blocks against certain programs. So, I've already contacted my IT dept. and am awaiting a reply as to whether any major changes had been made as of last Thursday, but I would find it rather strange that if that were the case, I'd be able to log on one character each day and stay connected the entire day, as well as the fact that the problem had just occured after playing guild wars on this campus for a good 2 months.

So, I think that's about all the information that's relevent. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, &c, I'd be glad to hear them.

Thanks in advance.

(Also thought I'd insert a couple screenshots so as not to have any confusing by what I mean by loading screens somehow).

Acct 1 -

Acct 2-4-