Let the Memory Live Again
Have Faith
Live for Today
The Riddle of Steel
Luck of the Draw
Sleep now in the Fire
Master of My Domain in q9 tactics Tall Shield
q10 divine favor Swift (10%) Astral Staff of Endurance (+43 /stance) with Dance with Dead
Sword Pommel of Demonslaying (20%)
q10 Defensive Tidal Staff of Matsery with Vengeance is Mine
q9 divine favor Silver Boar Scepter (19% halves)
q9 divine favor Wayward Wand of Memory (20%) with Aptitude, not Attitude (19%)
Platinum Sickles 20% enchy
Ebon Daggers 20% enchy with Don't Think Twice
Mallyx's Hatred scythe
Mallyx's Zeal daggers
Reefclaw's Refugee
goldie Dead sword q9 with Show me the money
IGN: Latajacy Czarodziej
WTS mods, isnc, other