apparently i have my guildwars account already linked to some NCsoft account, i forgot what account it was. now i want to buy some stuff from the store. but since i cant remember what account i linked my GW account to i cant buy anything from the store.
i have no memory whatsoever of linking them together.
now is there a way to buy the stuff from the store without having to link a NCsoft and GW account together?
Account linked.
Tom Swift
The only things you can buy without linking are the campaigns, EotN and the Bonus mission pack. All these can be bought through retail stores or (in the case of eotm and bmp) through one of their recommended digital retail stores.
The extras such as costumes, name changes and cosmetic changes must be bought on a link account
Blech - I don't want to link mine either
The extras such as costumes, name changes and cosmetic changes must be bought on a link account
Blech - I don't want to link mine either