PvP: Lumps is looking for a HA Guild with benefits (R7, old account R8)


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2009



IGN: L U M P S Its Lumps, The Lumps

About Me: I'm 27, laid back, easy going. I don't like nor put up with rage. I've played this game off and on since beta days. I was r8 and sold my account the first December (I'm trying to keep time frames straight) after the game was released. U Luv My Lady Lumps was my Mesmer, and that dude never played that account. I took a break from then until about the end of Factions. I've been off and on since then, taking a break as long as 9-10 months more recently.

I've had a good amount of 500ish GvG experience and some higher than that with [pve]. Since I came back I went back to DRKN for HAing, as I was with them prior to my last break. They didn't GvG much.

After that I went to help out in KiSu for a while,

Looking for a guild of fun and easy going people for HA. If GvG, realistically 300-500 that want to work to be better. I'd appreciate a guild that is very active both GvG and HA, and did I mention FUN? I like to fling crap and I expect the same to me.

Classes for GvG: I play mostly midline and prefer Ranger. My first account the majority of fame came as Mesmer, with minimal Monk. This account has been split between Ranger, Para and Monk. I like roles that require more than just one aspect.

Classes for HA: Anything. I haven't monked in quite some time, so I'd need to brush up.

In PVE: My Ranger is my main but obviously I have my other spots filled up.

Old account was R8 and before titles were what they are now

This account:
R7 (been @ r7 for about 2 years now, lost interest in HA for a while)
Tons of PvE titles

Guild History:

So Easy A Caveman Can Do It [pve]
Kitty Likes Coconuts [Wild]
Drunks Really Know Nothing [DRKN]

References: Alot of the people I knew don't seem to play much any more.

Fiery Razor
Legendary Game
Milk An Cookies
Dr. Smites
Freak E E
Hy Brid
Grumpy Trixx (from way back in the beginning)
Main O
Mighty Alex
Oblivion Beast
Pirate With Scurvy
Teh Demize (used to monk with him in DRKN during the 6v6 HA days)