Price Check on a few Gold items and others


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010

I would like a price check on a couple gold items if possible. Please tell me which ones I should merc if you see any that are worthless (maybe all?) lol. Thank you in advance

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

to be honest I'd merch everything except for the greens and the Holy Staff, which I'd give to a hero since it's req12 and 20/19


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010

Daily bump up to the top


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010

B~U~M~P To the top!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010


Ben Greenwood

Ben Greenwood

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2010




you can try and sell the mods, but merch everything, not worth your time trying to sell. Keep Greens of course.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

1. Merch.
2. Maybe 500g. Don't know if they're hard sales or not. I tend to merch.
3. Merch.
4. Merch or 500g-1k if you find a seller. Likely more effort than it's worth.
5. Merch.
6. Meh. Don't know. Price may be unstable to due HoM.
7. Meh. I'd merch.
Insightful staff head. Non-max, merch.
8. Merch to rune trader.
9-17. Merch.
18-19. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants them.
20-21. Merch.
22. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants it.
23. Merch.
24/25. I'd merch. Not really sure but shouldn't get much.
26. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants it.
27-34. Merch.
35. Maybe 1-3k if someone is looking for one.
36-38. Merch.
39. Salvage and merch or just merch.
40-41. Merch.
42. 300-600g
43. Merch.
44. Don't know about Ghostly Staves but high req should make it merch food.
45. 500-1k if you find someone that wants it.
46. Merch.
47. Maybe 1-2k if someone wants it. Possibly a hard sale.