Price Check on a few Gold items and others
I would like a price check on a couple gold items if possible. Please tell me which ones I should merc if you see any that are worthless (maybe all?) lol. Thank you in advance
animal fighter
to be honest I'd merch everything except for the greens and the Holy Staff, which I'd give to a hero since it's req12 and 20/19
Daily bump up to the top
B~U~M~P To the top!
Ben Greenwood
you can try and sell the mods, but merch everything, not worth your time trying to sell. Keep Greens of course.
Marty Silverblade
1. Merch.
2. Maybe 500g. Don't know if they're hard sales or not. I tend to merch.
3. Merch.
4. Merch or 500g-1k if you find a seller. Likely more effort than it's worth.
5. Merch.
6. Meh. Don't know. Price may be unstable to due HoM.
7. Meh. I'd merch.
Insightful staff head. Non-max, merch.
8. Merch to rune trader.
9-17. Merch.
18-19. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants them.
20-21. Merch.
22. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants it.
23. Merch.
24/25. I'd merch. Not really sure but shouldn't get much.
26. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants it.
27-34. Merch.
35. Maybe 1-3k if someone is looking for one.
36-38. Merch.
39. Salvage and merch or just merch.
40-41. Merch.
42. 300-600g
43. Merch.
44. Don't know about Ghostly Staves but high req should make it merch food.
45. 500-1k if you find someone that wants it.
46. Merch.
47. Maybe 1-2k if someone wants it. Possibly a hard sale.
2. Maybe 500g. Don't know if they're hard sales or not. I tend to merch.
3. Merch.
4. Merch or 500g-1k if you find a seller. Likely more effort than it's worth.
5. Merch.
6. Meh. Don't know. Price may be unstable to due HoM.
7. Meh. I'd merch.
Insightful staff head. Non-max, merch.
8. Merch to rune trader.
9-17. Merch.
18-19. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants them.
20-21. Merch.
22. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants it.
23. Merch.
24/25. I'd merch. Not really sure but shouldn't get much.
26. 500g-1k if you find someone that wants it.
27-34. Merch.
35. Maybe 1-3k if someone is looking for one.
36-38. Merch.
39. Salvage and merch or just merch.
40-41. Merch.
42. 300-600g
43. Merch.
44. Don't know about Ghostly Staves but high req should make it merch food.
45. 500-1k if you find someone that wants it.
46. Merch.
47. Maybe 1-2k if someone wants it. Possibly a hard sale.