Would you buy a famous weapon?
Ok, lets all take a breather from talking about HoM. Head clear of minis and titles? Good. Alright.
Would you buy a customised weapon if it was customised to a famous GW player?
I remember a while back someone selling a bow which was customised to a famous PvPer - I forget who.
Do you think you would buy ChopChop's axe? Or perhaps a Water Staff customised to Daniel Frostwind?
Obviously, I understand you wouldn't be able to use it - but just for the novelty? How much would you pay for such a rare item?
Would you buy a customised weapon if it was customised to a famous GW player?
I remember a while back someone selling a bow which was customised to a famous PvPer - I forget who.
Do you think you would buy ChopChop's axe? Or perhaps a Water Staff customised to Daniel Frostwind?
Obviously, I understand you wouldn't be able to use it - but just for the novelty? How much would you pay for such a rare item?
No, I would not. (There are famous people in GW?)
A weapon, tool for killing, with which I cannot kill?
Then I'd be no better than people who buy obsidian only because it's expensive (and looks like crap).
Then I'd be no better than people who buy obsidian only because it's expensive (and looks like crap).
Marty Silverblade
Certainly not. Even if I was given one for free, it might be cool for a few minutes then I'd stop caring. It's not like you can do anything with it or show off (not that anyone would care anyway). I definitely wouldn't think twice about auctioning it.
Exactly! I certainly wouldn't myself but I'm pretty sure there are people out there who would be more than willing to part with hard earned Ectos to have something like that.
The fact that some people treat Guild Wars as a job. popularity contest and a tool to enlarge their e-peen is nothing new.
You can't see me
No. That's a gigantic waste. Why would anyone want that?
It's like selling celebrity tissues. The only people who would ever buy that garbage... well...
It's like selling celebrity tissues. The only people who would ever buy that garbage... well...
Malice Black
You can get famous playing a game?!
I remember seeing a bow customised by "Power Of My Ranger" in High End about 4 years ago. Back when EU ALWAYS had favour because this dude would literally hold halls for like 6 hrs every day!
But no, I wouldn't personally. I'd have it in storage and it wouldn't mean a thing...
But no, I wouldn't personally. I'd have it in storage and it wouldn't mean a thing...
Depends on who.
A weapon, tool for killing, with which I cannot kill?
lolzers Then I'd be no better than people who buy obsidian only because it's expensive (and looks like crap). |
But, who buys obi is better...albeit being expensive (and ugly most of the times) at least it can be used..
Depends on who. Depends on what. I think a r7 or unconditional weapon would still have value even if it was custo'd simply because of the rarity. Not like collectors acctually use most of what they have.
I also think that there are a small handful of players I would hold onto or buy weapon custo'd to them. The critera for such is still undecided.
this guy is a famous gw player I think
I also think that there are a small handful of players I would hold onto or buy weapon custo'd to them. The critera for such is still undecided.
this guy is a famous gw player I think
What, there are famous GW players? Never heard of one...
I would like to see if there is a market for a stuff like this as i have some festival pieces from chop chop and three pounds
I used to have a Fleshweaver customized by [WM] Berry, back when they were the popular primary set for boon-prots. That was pretty cool, but I wouldn't really expect anyone else to buy it.
Would buy it, depending on price, if it was customize to Gaile Gray

No, but I would buy a dedicated mini frog

Like Zodiak says, perhaps if it was customized for Gaile.. Otherwise no...
Famous in GW? say what..?
Famous in GW? say what..?
Rocky Raccoon
If I could buy a bow named after me, would that make me famous? Perhaps then I would buy it.
I would probably merch anything owned by Gaile Gray. But I sure would like items customized to any of the core EvIL players..
Karate Jesus
A friend of mine has one of Gaile's masks, but apart from Anet employees, I don't know who'd be work buying something customized of.
It's not like people are scrambling for Wasabi's stuff.
It's not like people are scrambling for Wasabi's stuff.
Famous weapon, like an unconditional that was custo'd? Yeah. Normal weapon custo'd to a famous player? Nah.
Anything that my characters can't use - it goes straight to the merchant or trash.
So no, I wouldn't buy customized stuff.
So no, I wouldn't buy customized stuff.
I thought you were talking greens at first ....
Never would be my answer
Never would be my answer
Tar Ionwe
It would all depends who the person is, but yes. There are a few players that I would buy a customized weapon from.
Captain Bulldozer
The only time I would even consider keeping such an item, let along buying one, is if it were customized to some developer or something. It might pretty cool to have a frog sceptre customized to Gaile or a bow customized to Lindsay, etc. But even then, it'd largely be something which took up inv space.
xhappy feetx
Essence Snow
An extra item that has zero uses to take up storage and I have to pay for it? No thank you! Sounds like a complete waste of cash and storage.
Angel Killuminati
Nobody is ever famous playing a video game. When you have a career that makes you worldwide famous, giving you millions of finance in the process, then that equals fame.
If you are well known on a video game, then it's as simple as that. You are well known in the community for playing a particular game, nothing more.
Why the hell would I want a weapon on a game, that I can;t ever use. It offers nothing, for nobody.
If you are well known on a video game, then it's as simple as that. You are well known in the community for playing a particular game, nothing more.
Why the hell would I want a weapon on a game, that I can;t ever use. It offers nothing, for nobody.
I'm famous... I was the one who posted the Chaos Planes SF Build on PvX. (FALSE)
On Topic: No.
On Topic: No.
I'd be interested in something from Gaile, Regina or Lindsay, not for a fortune though. From other ANet-related people too - <3 Martin & Jeff - but those three are the only ones i ever saw in game.
Nope sounds like a stupid thing to waste money on
You must have to ask yourself a question first ~ would I place a bid on a piece of toast that looks like Jesus on Ebay. If you answer yes then I am sure you would buy a customized weapon from a GW Star (Personal opinions are pretty much what you base a GW Star on)

already have mules full of weapons that I am not using, why in the world would I want to pay for yet another one which I CAN'T use????
Divine Ashes
I would definitely want one.
If I could get a hold of a weapon that Soul Wedding or Bloodlight Eyes used back in the day, that would be amazing. It's more of a sentimental thing, though, harking back to the glory days of Guild Wars.
If I could get a hold of a weapon that Soul Wedding or Bloodlight Eyes used back in the day, that would be amazing. It's more of a sentimental thing, though, harking back to the glory days of Guild Wars.
It was "Power of My Ranger"s bow by the way OP.
And... probably not. GW1 players are far less "e-celebrities" then some other games. Now, if I could get something from TLO or Slayer's Boxer of StarCraft fame, heck yeah.
And... probably not. GW1 players are far less "e-celebrities" then some other games. Now, if I could get something from TLO or Slayer's Boxer of StarCraft fame, heck yeah.
I didn't even know there were "famous" GW players.
Now a weapon belonging to a REAL famous person who happens to play GW, that would be worth an ecto maybe.
Now a weapon belonging to a REAL famous person who happens to play GW, that would be worth an ecto maybe.
Items owned by famous people doesn't make them that famous.
Would you keep Obama's droppings ?
End of discussion
Would you keep Obama's droppings ?
End of discussion