I feel that high ranks are put in a very bad light by all the recently PvP HoM Mad Rush muust get r6/g3 super super fast and its difficult because XXXX XXXX wont take me in their team to go hold halls whatever will i do zomg.....
I wanna make a suggestion.... could there be a universal shift in how this problem is viewed.....
I want people to think of it NOT as low ranked players NOT being accepted into high rank teams.....
but instead....
That high rank players DO NOT WANT TO JOIN the teams of low rank players.
as this instead suggests that instead of the high ranked players being elitist about who they take... to the fact that the low ranked teams have too small a chance of success for the high ranked player to justify spending time in their team?
As this is actually what happens.... high ranked players look through party search and see r4+, r7+, r6+ teams forming lameway of some kind, and think 'na, im gonna afk and make food whilst waiting for friends to log on'.
Just a suggestion to make us PvPers less hated