chaos axe - dyed a nice solid orange comparable to orange gatorade
req 11
15^50 non inscrip
Zealous platinum sickles - dyed black
req 9
zealous mod
15^50 inscription
Dragon kamas - dyed pink
req 10
sundering mod
15^50 inscription
pc on a few gold weps
Chik N Nuggets
Chaos 20kish
Sickles -> Merch food, very common, though you can maybe get 5k or so because of them being dyed... assuming you can find someone who likes the skin
Dragon -> 5-8kish imo.
Salvage the mods you want before selling
Chaos 20kish
Sickles -> Merch food, very common, though you can maybe get 5k or so because of them being dyed... assuming you can find someone who likes the skin
Dragon -> 5-8kish imo.
Salvage the mods you want before selling
Chik N Nuggets
wow that sucks, i payed 100k for both dags.