Storage Sale


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008


Well, pretty much selling things to buy the stupidly high amount of things the HoM asks for.

10x Trick or Treat bags stacks - 40k/stack < Sold out >
11x 10 Diamonds pack - depends on merch < Sold out >
16x Sapphires - 10k/ea
3x Rubies - 10k/ea

1st year unded minis - 8k/ea
2x Mini Jungle Troll
1x Mini Jade Armor
1x Mini Necrid Horseman

2nd year unded minis - 13k/ea
1x Mini Mandragor Imp
1x Mini Wind Rider

Hero armors - 12k/ea
2x Primeval Armor Remnants (all NF heros)
2x Deldrimor Armor Remnants (all GWEN heros) < Sold out >

IGN- Strons Illusion