q10 Zodiac Sword (inherent 15%/-10 armor)
q8 Ornate Buckler - Tactics (inherent -2 Dmg while enchanted)
q9 Chaos Axe (inherent 19% while hexed :/ )
q11 Fellblade (inscribable)
q9 Onyx Staff - Energy Storage (inscribable)
q11 Dead Bow (inherent +5e)
q9 Crescent Blades (inscribable)
q10 Sun and Moon Shield (inscribable) ((Worth anything at all?? I don't know.)
q10 Elemental Sword (inscribable)
I apologize if any of these are worthless, I'm cleaning out stuff that's been in my storage forever.
PC on q10 Zodiac Sword, q8 shields, q9 Chaos Axe, others
Own De Pwn
animal fighter
Zodiac - 5k
Ornate Buckler - if uninsc merch
Chaos Axe - merch
Fellblade - 5k
Onyx Staff - 5k
Dead Bow - merch
Crescent Blades - merch/1k
Sun and Moon Shield - merch/3k
Elemental Sword - 5k
Ornate Buckler - if uninsc merch
Chaos Axe - merch
Fellblade - 5k
Onyx Staff - 5k
Dead Bow - merch
Crescent Blades - merch/1k
Sun and Moon Shield - merch/3k
Elemental Sword - 5k
Agreed ^ ^
Agree up, although the Chaos Axe might fetch ~5k, and the Elemental Sword is max 2-3k.