UW Stones
Ok, either make them customed or remove them and add an extra ecto garunteed drop.
People think that a stone is worth more than a screenshot showing that your quick and dont dont fail. Customising them removes this bullshit rank descrimination (R9+ IWAY LF MORE FACEROLLERS springs to mind in this case).
Removing them an adding an ecto (about same price) also gets rid of this shit.
People think that a stone is worth more than a screenshot showing that your quick and dont dont fail. Customising them removes this bullshit rank descrimination (R9+ IWAY LF MORE FACEROLLERS springs to mind in this case).
Removing them an adding an ecto (about same price) also gets rid of this shit.
Shayne Hawke
I laugh at the idea of a customized summoning stone drop.
I suggest you buy some stones or stop pugging. Removing the stones as a drop seems like a silly thing to do, getting rid of content that has no reason to be erased.
I suggest you buy some stones or stop pugging. Removing the stones as a drop seems like a silly thing to do, getting rid of content that has no reason to be erased.
I like my stones, I don't sc and if im already under summoning sickness I will drop one for someone to use. I agree it is completely idiotic to have to show stones but those are the elitist for ya, but this is a bad idea
*sigh* more and more elitists are entering this game all the time. I know Iv ranted about PvP elitists a lot in other threads, and now I guess I get to give a short rant about PvE elitists.
Really, they are stupid. Anyone who think skill = amount of stones is stupid. I guess since they can't rank discriminate, they choose to stone discriminate (lol?) instead. Honestly, I don't think this would change if an extra ecto was given instead. They may just ask for you to show a small batch of ectos instead. My advice? Don't to speed clears. They are filled to the brim with elitists nowadays.
Really, they are stupid. Anyone who think skill = amount of stones is stupid. I guess since they can't rank discriminate, they choose to stone discriminate (lol?) instead. Honestly, I don't think this would change if an extra ecto was given instead. They may just ask for you to show a small batch of ectos instead. My advice? Don't to speed clears. They are filled to the brim with elitists nowadays.
Elitists aren't a problem. If you're not elitist you don't play with other elitists because you're relaxed and laid back. They don't like you so you won't party together regardless of skill.
I thought the Dhuum update fixed the You-Dub SC problem?!

Nah Jaz, groups can still do it in about 20 minutes or so.
To Chicken To Die
AWH Umad?
Dare to remove them. I always seem to be able to find idiots that pay me 5k/stone
Dare to remove them. I always seem to be able to find idiots that pay me 5k/stone
CE Devilman
put a crafter in ToA...end of line.
Nobody thinks that amount of stones = amount of skill........ They think amount of stones = Amount of experience. There's a difference. In any case... UW is for noobs go do FoW.
Essence Snow
Stones have 0 reflection on experience. They are more so a scam-like way of making cash via something that has relatively null value and adding an artificial stigma to it. I feel a pity for anyone that buys into the whole thing, specially those that actually buy the stones.....I guess they don't realize when they are being duped.
That has to be the most briliant thing I've ever heard.
Skye Marin
Pugs will be pugs. Anyone willing to take on a player just because of how many Stones they have deserve exactly what they get.
In most cases, a competent runner.
In some cases, not so much.
In most cases, a competent runner.
In some cases, not so much.
My theory:
Someone sat down and thought "how can I make these useless things have value?"
Now that person is rich from making people believe that number of stones = experience in UW
Someone sat down and thought "how can I make these useless things have value?"
Now that person is rich from making people believe that number of stones = experience in UW
Sirius Bsns
You can take stones away from elitists, but you can't take elitists away from themselves. As you can already tell, a lot of the people posting here don't give a sh.. and would rather discriminate their face off until there's nobody left to farm with rather than break down, do randomways with PUGs in an old school fashion and have fun. Guild Wars is serious mf'ing business to players, so much that they'll accept game death gleefully and quit the game if they have to. I used to farm waaay back in the days, but due to all this elitist malaise, I often think twice about setting foot in any elite mission area. I'm sure beyond the shadow of any doubt that they won't miss me.
In summary, tl;dr + you can't stop elitists from being elitists no matter what you do and/or how hard you do said thing.
In summary, tl;dr + you can't stop elitists from being elitists no matter what you do and/or how hard you do said thing.
Stones are pro!!
they help alot for fowsc 2men runs
i vote they make a crafter lol not remove something so lols
they help alot for fowsc 2men runs
i vote they make a crafter lol not remove something so lols
matter of time
honestly, since i have started reading some threads, ''Elitists'' will make me laugh for some time ... on topic, I like to use these stones during the game and do not agree to remove them due to simple narrowmindness of others ...
Nah Jaz, groups can still do it in about 20 minutes or so.
On topic you usually get 2 stones from the uw chest 50 stones is usually the requirement meaning 25 completed runs there are even a good number of groups that only ask for 20 stones meaning 10 runs and there are also groups on top of that who don't ask for them at all. It is not hard to complete 10 uw runs I have a ton of them and I use them all the time I am hardly concerned with saving them to get into pug groups since they are so easy to get. And on top of all that dream riders are awesome summons they make everything so much easier.
The Drunkard
So then people will require scrolls or ectos to get into the group, ectos will skyrocket and scrolls will jump to stone's price (3-5k is usually the price pugs pay).
Stones are such a big deal to pugs because there's literally no room for failure when doing the quests. Fail main team or LT at escort=wipe, fail t2 at slayer=wipe, fail t4 at 4h=wipe. People naturally want to win, so they are going to try and set limits in order to have the greatest chance of suceeding.
So in short, this suggestion does nothing to alleviate the real issue of 4+ permas and 2+ eles clearing the UW in an average 30+ run, while "balanced" ways (that don't depend on permas) get to deal with 1hr+ runs, while wasting tons of res scrolls if an Emo isn't bonding/tanking at dhuum.
Stones are such a big deal to pugs because there's literally no room for failure when doing the quests. Fail main team or LT at escort=wipe, fail t2 at slayer=wipe, fail t4 at 4h=wipe. People naturally want to win, so they are going to try and set limits in order to have the greatest chance of suceeding.
So in short, this suggestion does nothing to alleviate the real issue of 4+ permas and 2+ eles clearing the UW in an average 30+ run, while "balanced" ways (that don't depend on permas) get to deal with 1hr+ runs, while wasting tons of res scrolls if an Emo isn't bonding/tanking at dhuum.
Again I really don't know where people are getting these times for uw obviously they don't pay much attention to the times uw are actually being done and they just pretend to know as I said before 45 min is a very fast time for a uw group to complete most are 1+ hour most groups dont even complete they fail on escort or something a balanced team has a better success rate than a speed clear team. I really dont get what the problem is they have already nerfed the shit out of uw and almost every skill involved in the speed clear builds to the point of almost uselessness. Im not quite sure what else you want them to do.
Also stones cannot be bought at a trader so they can only be obtained from completing uw if they got rid of the summoning stones i highly doubt that groups would be spamming "show scrolls" or "show ectos" since they can all be bought from a trader UW scrolls even drop from bosses in HM a raptor farmer can get a bunch of scrolls if he really wanted to. Stone are a good way to get a feel of how many times a person has completed uw and how familiar they are with the area. Sometimes they are a false indicator since people do buy them but generally they work well for determining how much experienced a player has though it says nothing about the skill level of the player.
Also stones cannot be bought at a trader so they can only be obtained from completing uw if they got rid of the summoning stones i highly doubt that groups would be spamming "show scrolls" or "show ectos" since they can all be bought from a trader UW scrolls even drop from bosses in HM a raptor farmer can get a bunch of scrolls if he really wanted to. Stone are a good way to get a feel of how many times a person has completed uw and how familiar they are with the area. Sometimes they are a false indicator since people do buy them but generally they work well for determining how much experienced a player has though it says nothing about the skill level of the player.
Again I really don't know where people are getting these times for uw obviously they don't pay much attention to the times uw are actually being done and they just pretend to know as I said before 45 min is a very fast time for a uw group to complete most are 1+ hour most groups dont even complete they fail on escort or something a balanced team has a better success rate than a speed clear team. I really dont get what the problem is they have already nerfed the shit out of uw and almost every skill involved in the speed clear builds to the point of almost uselessness. Im not quite sure what else you want them to do.
Also stones cannot be bought at a trader so they can only be obtained from completing uw if they got rid of the summoning stones i highly doubt that groups would be spamming "show scrolls" or "show ectos" since they can all be bought from a trader UW scrolls even drop from bosses in HM a raptor farmer can get a bunch of scrolls if he really wanted to. Stone are a good way to get a feel of how many times a person has completed uw and how familiar they are with the area. Sometimes they are a false indicator since people do buy them but generally they work well for determining how much experienced a player has though it says nothing about the skill level of the player. |
They asked you to show some stones to let you in?
Isn't that a bit stupid? Any guy that has only farmed vaettir could buy some of those to show them.
Take the stones, and they'll find some other stupid requirement that can be faked too.
In the end, no matter how many silly questions you ask before going down there, all that counts is what you can done in the area.
Isn't that a bit stupid? Any guy that has only farmed vaettir could buy some of those to show them.
Take the stones, and they'll find some other stupid requirement that can be faked too.
In the end, no matter how many silly questions you ask before going down there, all that counts is what you can done in the area.
It's already too convenient for you that people buy these stones just to play with you. 4k kthxbai. And they still fail. I've done UW countless times Physway. I have a ton of stones. Can I enter Terraway? Probably. Will I succeed? RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO no.
Dont know who told you that but there has only ever been one 20 min run after the dhuum update that is the fastest that dhuum has ever been killed. UWSC takes about 40-60 min whoever told you 20 min was normal was pulling your leg or you just made it up. Try to actually know about something before you post about it plz.
On topic you usually get 2 stones from the uw chest 50 stones is usually the requirement meaning 25 completed runs there are even a good number of groups that only ask for 20 stones meaning 10 runs and there are also groups on top of that who don't ask for them at all. It is not hard to complete 10 uw runs I have a ton of them and I use them all the time I am hardly concerned with saving them to get into pug groups since they are so easy to get. And on top of all that dream riders are awesome summons they make everything so much easier. |
I believe that lod's record was 28 min done a couple times by lod's core uw team and I know as a fact from your members and being in your runs that they are not "often" under 30 min due to the loss of a lot of lod's core uw team members. Furthermore most old pug uwsc teams were 20-15 min and guild groups were 7-15 usually so 28 is by no means faster than the old uwsc.
I personaly dont find anything wrong with ghastly stone(GS) requirements. First they let the players know what to expect from a group. You don't need GS to join a UWsc. You can easily join a 0stone req group and u will generally not ever get to dhuum. With GS req groups the group generally have a higher sucess rate. This format gives the PUGGers confidence in the groups and know what to expect out from the ones they join. Now why be pissed about people limiting you from joining their groups?? You cant be a doctor without a M.D. You cant join certain groups without GStones.
I say /sign to make GS unbuyable.
I say /sign to make GS unbuyable.
I personaly dont find anything wrong with ghastly stone(GS) requirements. First they let the players know what to expect from a group. You don't need GS to join a UWsc. You can easily join a 0stone req group and u will generally not ever get to dhuum. With GS req groups the group generally have a higher sucess rate. This format gives the PUGGers confidence in the groups and know what to expect out from the ones they join. Now why be pissed about people limiting you from joining their groups?? You cant be a doctor without a M.D. You cant join certain groups without GStones.
I say /sign to make GS unbuyable. |
Comparing being a doctor to joining a group in Guild Wars... never heard that before. "Certain groups" makes me think that you're saying you can be a doctor in certain fields without an M.D. And you can't, this is a ridiculous argument.
Anyway, making them untradeable or undroppable is dumb, because I carry my stones with me and if my Dream Rider dies, I like to drop one so another can use. What should be done, is the idiots that require stones should just kill themselves so they can reincarnate into a piece of shit.
*sigh* /endrant, guess I'll go get my M.D in Speed Clearotomy so I can join the elitist douches...
I believe that lod's record was 28 min done a couple times by lod's core uw team and I know as a fact from your members and being in your runs that they are not "often" under 30 min due to the loss of a lot of lod's core uw team members. Furthermore most old pug uwsc teams were 20-15 min and guild groups were 7-15 usually so 28 is by no means faster than the old uwsc.
heres my take on the whole thing.
using stones as a way to get more experienced players on paper is perfect ie the more stones, the more completions. since you can sell and trade stones it does flaw this use, but nonetheless they are still summoning stones so that wont be changed. should people complain that groups require it? no, because if you are complaining that means that you are either
a) inexperienced
b) dont want to spend money on stones.
I understand that people use their stones, which is another flaw, but if you know that people are requiring that you have some, wouldn't you just stock up for a while? Is it a perfect system? no. is it the best way to avoid failers? yes. All in all, people that actually do uwsc seriously have a right to know if people they are grouping with are as experienced as they are? yes. Most likely nearly everyone complaining just isn't experienced and doesn't want to be in groups with people just like themselves.
using stones as a way to get more experienced players on paper is perfect ie the more stones, the more completions. since you can sell and trade stones it does flaw this use, but nonetheless they are still summoning stones so that wont be changed. should people complain that groups require it? no, because if you are complaining that means that you are either
a) inexperienced
b) dont want to spend money on stones.
I understand that people use their stones, which is another flaw, but if you know that people are requiring that you have some, wouldn't you just stock up for a while? Is it a perfect system? no. is it the best way to avoid failers? yes. All in all, people that actually do uwsc seriously have a right to know if people they are grouping with are as experienced as they are? yes. Most likely nearly everyone complaining just isn't experienced and doesn't want to be in groups with people just like themselves.
It seems to me like another way to keep new people from entering the UWSC scene... which is a bad thing. Im all for anything that would limit the ways in which players can be descriminated against for grouping, though the core problem comes down to people's unwillingness to help new or inexperienced people gain experience.
Ladies and Gents, one of those elitists everyone gripes about.
Also the flaw of the stone system. Right now they want 20-25 stones. Just like R3 was good for HA after one year.
Soon it will be 50 stones and so forth.
Also the flaw of the stone system. Right now they want 20-25 stones. Just like R3 was good for HA after one year.
Soon it will be 50 stones and so forth.
Dont know who told you that but there has only ever been one 20 min run after the dhuum update that is the fastest that dhuum has ever been killed. UWSC takes about 40-60 min whoever told you 20 min was normal was pulling your leg or you just made it up. Try to actually know about something before you post about it plz.
On topic you usually get 2 stones from the uw chest 50 stones is usually the requirement meaning 25 completed runs there are even a good number of groups that only ask for 20 stones meaning 10 runs and there are also groups on top of that who don't ask for them at all. It is not hard to complete 10 uw runs I have a ton of them and I use them all the time I am hardly concerned with saving them to get into pug groups since they are so easy to get. And on top of all that dream riders are awesome summons they make everything so much easier. |
Now UW has become to PvE what HA is to PvP.
All Anet had to really do, was to return the assassin to it's original intended mission, but they couldn't do it.
They added Ulcerous Lungs to Costume Brawl and anti-imba skills to the enemies in the Halloween Mausoleum quest; but heaven forbid anything is done to sins.
Seriously though, I understood SF when they first did it. Sins had been abused in PvE. They were bigger outcasts than dervishes. Monks would refuse to work with them because of shadowstepping. Good sins in PvE were hard to find.
Then they did SF, and it was a very nice "thank you for putting up with a crappy profession, here's how we say thank you".
But it kept going...and going...and going. Until everyone who was interested in farming had one.
So when the time came to finally nerf it...they couldn't. They'd alienate almost a third of the remaining GW devoted playerbase.
So we find ourselves a year after Dhuum got released, and the same people with even the same toons are still doing GWSCs.
The only diff. is that you can't get ran through it anymore.
For all my griping, I don't really have a beef with the status quo. I'm just saying that they should learn from this giant cluster$#@! and apply these lessons in GW2.
The second you let one class have access to even a limited "god mode" it's game over for balance and variety.
I did a PuG in the UW a week ago, not a sin in the group. We did get to Dhuum, but no one knew what to do at that point. Perhaps if more exp. players were like the warrior (obby tank) who organized the group, you could PuG and expect success. Then you wouldn't need stones or whatever "I have less of a social life than you" counted coup is in fashion this week.
All Anet had to really do, was to return the assassin to it's original intended mission, but they couldn't do it.
They added Ulcerous Lungs to Costume Brawl and anti-imba skills to the enemies in the Halloween Mausoleum quest; but heaven forbid anything is done to sins.
Seriously though, I understood SF when they first did it. Sins had been abused in PvE. They were bigger outcasts than dervishes. Monks would refuse to work with them because of shadowstepping. Good sins in PvE were hard to find.
Then they did SF, and it was a very nice "thank you for putting up with a crappy profession, here's how we say thank you".
But it kept going...and going...and going. Until everyone who was interested in farming had one.
So when the time came to finally nerf it...they couldn't. They'd alienate almost a third of the remaining GW devoted playerbase.
So we find ourselves a year after Dhuum got released, and the same people with even the same toons are still doing GWSCs.
The only diff. is that you can't get ran through it anymore.
For all my griping, I don't really have a beef with the status quo. I'm just saying that they should learn from this giant cluster$#@! and apply these lessons in GW2.
The second you let one class have access to even a limited "god mode" it's game over for balance and variety.
I did a PuG in the UW a week ago, not a sin in the group. We did get to Dhuum, but no one knew what to do at that point. Perhaps if more exp. players were like the warrior (obby tank) who organized the group, you could PuG and expect success. Then you wouldn't need stones or whatever "I have less of a social life than you" counted coup is in fashion this week.
Sarevok Thordin
Douchebags will be douchbags looking for stones, and if it isn't that they'll find some other way to do it. At this stage in the game it's not worth the hassle really to implement another way to try and stop them.
And no, I'm personally not bothered about it myself because I have my UW monument already
And no, I'm personally not bothered about it myself because I have my UW monument already

Sirius Bsns
It seems to me like another way to keep new people from entering the UWSC scene... which is a bad thing. Im all for anything that would limit the ways in which players can be descriminated against for grouping, though the core problem comes down to people's unwillingness to help new or inexperienced people gain experience.
umm.....I think I know since I was kinda in that run....
I cant even begin to explain how 20 min is so much lower than the average times and how hard it is to get 20 min and how much luck we needed to actually pull that off.
since you stated you dont do uwsc you should not say anything about the times of uwsc becuase you dont know anything about them. Im not saying your opinion on the whole "show stones" thing isnt valued but your facts are very off. UWSC is ran in different ways its not like it used to be there a couple different ways to run it, the most popular being terraway or T-way this is a relatively safe way to do uwsc however if give up speed for safety so a terraway run will always be rather long. Running terraway has a higher success rate but a slower speed. The way of doing uwsc that resulted in the 20 minute run was called DLway. DLway is a much faster but more dangerous way to run uwsc it needs much more skill and some more luck but it is much faster. DLway has a lower success rate but a higher speed therfore it is usually not ran by PuG groups becuase of the extremely high fail rate of PuG groups actually running it. Just becuase its done once doesnt mean its done all the time. and trust me I was on the team that did the 20 min run I actually know what im talking about when I say this stuff.
As far as the talk about the 28 min Lod runs I was referring to their guild record and the average time of their runs not the average time and record time of all uwsc runs.
lol I am far from an elitist if I was I wouldnt spend most of my time in uw teaching others how to do uwsc, and I wouldnt make extensive guides on how to do uwsc. You have no idea who your talking to lol. I dont care how many stones people have if I did I wouldnt of run in team that have no requirement for them today. Failing a run doesnt really mean anything to me the only time I get mad about a fail is when its my own fault becuase I should know better. Don't go around saying things like "look at that elitist" unless you actually know me plz
I mean they are one of the easiest things to get in uw seriously why is it such a huge problem to get 20 stones like I said thats only 10 runs. I mean 10 runs doesnt make you experienced by any means Ive done thousands of runs and I still learn new stuff. Even 50 stones is very low 25 runs means you hardly know anything about uw. Besides the idea of show stones actually works, a 80+ groups is much less likely to fail then a +20 group. the whole show stones rule was put in place after the nerf to make sure that people have been in uw since skeles were added that why people wouldnt join a group and have no idea what to do once they got down there.
Also before stones the blacklist was huge and then everyone spamming in toa saying "so and so fails dont take them" I would much rather have a couple groups just say 20+ stones instead of a district full of people raging and trolling each other.
I cant even begin to explain how 20 min is so much lower than the average times and how hard it is to get 20 min and how much luck we needed to actually pull that off.
since you stated you dont do uwsc you should not say anything about the times of uwsc becuase you dont know anything about them. Im not saying your opinion on the whole "show stones" thing isnt valued but your facts are very off. UWSC is ran in different ways its not like it used to be there a couple different ways to run it, the most popular being terraway or T-way this is a relatively safe way to do uwsc however if give up speed for safety so a terraway run will always be rather long. Running terraway has a higher success rate but a slower speed. The way of doing uwsc that resulted in the 20 minute run was called DLway. DLway is a much faster but more dangerous way to run uwsc it needs much more skill and some more luck but it is much faster. DLway has a lower success rate but a higher speed therfore it is usually not ran by PuG groups becuase of the extremely high fail rate of PuG groups actually running it. Just becuase its done once doesnt mean its done all the time. and trust me I was on the team that did the 20 min run I actually know what im talking about when I say this stuff.
As far as the talk about the 28 min Lod runs I was referring to their guild record and the average time of their runs not the average time and record time of all uwsc runs.
Ladies and Gents, one of those elitists everyone gripes about. |
I mean they are one of the easiest things to get in uw seriously why is it such a huge problem to get 20 stones like I said thats only 10 runs. I mean 10 runs doesnt make you experienced by any means Ive done thousands of runs and I still learn new stuff. Even 50 stones is very low 25 runs means you hardly know anything about uw. Besides the idea of show stones actually works, a 80+ groups is much less likely to fail then a +20 group. the whole show stones rule was put in place after the nerf to make sure that people have been in uw since skeles were added that why people wouldnt join a group and have no idea what to do once they got down there.
Also before stones the blacklist was huge and then everyone spamming in toa saying "so and so fails dont take them" I would much rather have a couple groups just say 20+ stones instead of a district full of people raging and trolling each other.
- Chris. He made a small mistake about the record times. You are the only one who is annoyed by that just because you are one of the few people who actually tries to get record times in speedclears. Nobody cares about the real records. Stay on topic.
- How can people not see how flawed the "stone" thing is. I could buy the stones now and join a group. I would fail and die. And just look in ToA how much people are buying the stones!
But it's prolly better then the blacklist stuff u talk about. :/
- How can people not see how flawed the "stone" thing is. I could buy the stones now and join a group. I would fail and die. And just look in ToA how much people are buying the stones!
But it's prolly better then the blacklist stuff u talk about. :/
Sirius Bsns
So if I go out and buy 80+ stones right now, show them to a group, and jump into it, we're much less likely to fail amirite? Not to say that I'd actually fail anyway, but it seems to me you're too reliant upon fallible proof.
Essence Snow
I'm actually kind of surprised that a Stone Service hasn't popped up yet. "Loaning xx-xxx stones...pay xx...once traded back recieve xx-5k...get into any show stones group" It would really mock the whole concept.
The Drunkard
Again I really don't know where people are getting these times for uw obviously they don't pay much attention to the times uw are actually being done and they just pretend to know as I said before 45 min is a very fast time for a uw group to complete most are 1+ hour most groups dont even complete they fail on escort or something a balanced team has a better success rate than a speed clear team. I really dont get what the problem is they have already nerfed the shit out of uw and almost every skill involved in the speed clear builds to the point of almost uselessness. Im not quite sure what else you want them to do.
Also stones cannot be bought at a trader so they can only be obtained from completing uw if they got rid of the summoning stones i highly doubt that groups would be spamming "show scrolls" or "show ectos" since they can all be bought from a trader UW scrolls even drop from bosses in HM a raptor farmer can get a bunch of scrolls if he really wanted to.