PC: Req 9 (motivation) zodian shield (inscrble)
(and the bonus question of the day)
PC: Req 10 Eternal longbow (uninscrble)
Closed: PC: Q9 inscr motivation zodiac shield
There is a 12 character minimum post limit. Bump is not 12 characters. Bump.
Not really sure on the zodiac, but I would think some 10-20k.
There is no Eternal Longbow in the game, the Eternal Bow is recurve. Also, what inherent does it have?
There is no Eternal Longbow in the game, the Eternal Bow is recurve. Also, what inherent does it have?
Not really sure on the zodiac, but I would think some 10-20k.
There is no Eternal Longbow in the game, the Eternal Bow is recurve. Also, what inherent does it have? |
as for it's inherents it is a "Ebon eternal bow of marksmanship" making it:
earth damage 15-28
damage +15% (while in a stance)
Marksmanship +1 (19%)
-- this is my much overdue 24h bump
15^stance really sucks on bows, I would think it's max 10k.