Halloween 2010
Chrissie Quickdraw
Nooby question probally, but this is the first time I'm online for halloween in gw ever.
Do the collectors spawn in intervals ? I have allot of caromi scalps ready, but when I looked through LA, I was only able to find the one collecting orr emblems.
Do the collectors spawn in intervals ? I have allot of caromi scalps ready, but when I looked through LA, I was only able to find the one collecting orr emblems.
Shayne Hawke
New build up, over a thousand files to download.
Aaaaaaand, I can confirm that the new CB updates are now live. Enjoy your new bars, your new costumes, your new map, and a special present for all of you syncers out there.
Aaaaaaand, I can confirm that the new CB updates are now live. Enjoy your new bars, your new costumes, your new map, and a special present for all of you syncers out there.
Professor K
New costumes?!
I've missed every single Halloween since I started GW over three years ago. Just to clarify, you can only get a mask during the finale, yes?
Free Runner
Regina Buenaobra
Fox Reeveheart
im hoping for... non-pay new content o_o we seemed to get stuff last few years... NONE of the costumes look good to me anyways... ever
Also not all the traders have poped. Were missing 2 in la 1 in henge of deravi and 2 in ascalon. Also hearing reports of missing traders in kamadan.
Hey can we get a sneak peek Regina? Pretty Please with Cherries?? *begs*
Hey can we get a sneak peek Regina? Pretty Please with Cherries?? *begs*
Stolen Souls
I feel sorry for most players because they look at there inventory and see the option for costumes but then find out they have to pay. I atleast want a normal suit and top hat like displayed in the image.
Though i will probs buy the costumes anyway
Though i will probs buy the costumes anyway
Shayne Hawke
I guess I should have used the word "disguises", talking about the new disguises you can have in CB.
Feathermoore Rep
Bad solutions to bad coding are still BAD.
Now instead of playing against a synced team 1 out of 20 times, you have 5 out of 6 bad players playing against more bad players ALL THE TIME. Which might seem fair. Oh Bad vs Bad. It should be a good match up. NO. Its not fun! It helps noone! It makes bad players just as bad. And good players RAGE HARDCORE BECAUSE OF THEY GET SCREWED OVER BY INCOMPETENCE.
You wanted a mini-game arena for the casual players. That's fine. You gave them one. Now where is the mini-game arena for people who want to actually play with skill??????
Bad solutions to bad coding are still BAD.
Now instead of playing against a synced team 1 out of 20 times, you have 5 out of 6 bad players playing against more bad players ALL THE TIME. Which might seem fair. Oh Bad vs Bad. It should be a good match up. NO. Its not fun! It helps noone! It makes bad players just as bad. And good players RAGE HARDCORE BECAUSE OF THEY GET SCREWED OVER BY INCOMPETENCE.
You wanted a mini-game arena for the casual players. That's fine. You gave them one. Now where is the mini-game arena for people who want to actually play with skill??????
Shayne Hawke
Neo Nugget
The new costumes will be available tomorrow. Consider this little bit of info a heads-up of things to come.
![]() |
It looks like those pumpkin heads have an animated aura around them. If so, make that two dozen cookies.
Now instead of playing against a synced team 1 out of 20 times, you have 5 out of 6 bad players playing against more bad players ALL THE TIME. Which might seem fair. Oh Bad vs Bad. It should be a good match up. NO. Its not fun! It helps noone! It makes bad players just as bad. And good players RAGE HARDCORE BECAUSE OF THEY GET SCREWED OVER BY INCOMPETENCE.
And if you're really good shouldn't be a problem now. 5 bad players vs 4 bad players + you should be win for you if you're good.
With this new system with a totally new team every round I had 6-7 consecutives quite often. way better than fighting the same sync'd team ever 3 games
Killed u man
I love how Costume Brawl got reduced to "boring" in one update. Don't get me wrong, there definatly was some issues with the format, and I can see the Krewe really tried, I highly doubt there will be alot of PvP'ers (big word, more later) left playing it after this update.
Note I say PvP'ers because a large part of the PvE community venturing in PvP don't care about fun, they mostly care about rewards. On top of that, due to their lack of PvP experience, most of them wouldn't even understand what is fun and whatnot. (Similar to how peope in the 80's concidered Space Invaders etc fun.)
Syncing is fixed, but in what manner? One of the biggest complaints of the match-up system is the large amount of terrible people playing. Now, don't get me wrong: it's a good thing syncing no longer works (I must admit I synced last year aswell), but at what cost? Imagine if syncing was weeds growing on your lawn. You've succesfully burned the weeds to the ground, but at the same time your intire lawn is reduced to a pile of ash...
Getting consecutive wins is one of the most fun parts about PvP, because it gives the feeling (illusion?) you're getting rewarded for your play. Now, it's only a matter of time before you get teamed up with 4 complete retards, and your sense of achievement goes down the shitter, because you simply can't carry an intire team. I've done enough runs last year where I didn't sync, and I got teamed up with 4 other semi-competent people. My skill was more ofte than not that little bit we needed to carry our team to victory, and my allies were good enough not to loose matches and ultimately frustrate me to death.
Now, you'dd be lucky if you get more than 3 consecutives, solely because the overal skill level of peope is so low, you might aswell Rock-Paper-Scissors. This alone is for me a reason not to play it anymore.
Instead, they should've just fixed syncing at it's core, and that's shuffling the list of entering players 2-3 seconds before going in, and then form teams out of that shuffle. They've ruined a large part of the fun in a format solely to fix a problem which could've been fixed alot easier...
Then there's the bars. The main problem was, everyone agrees, the Sin bar. The Palm Strike template was simply so strong, it had no problems killing every other bar 1v1, and even being able to beat most other professions 2v1.
However, the problem never was the efficiency of the Sinbar, but rather the inefficiency of all the other bars.
The Sin bar was so strong not because it was overpowered, but because it was overal; it had healing, condition removal, survivability and killing power. Not only did this make the Sinbar the best to play, it also made it the most fun to play. Nowhere during the time you played sin, even if you died or got rolled 0-20 you got the feeling you got gimped because of your bar. Every other bar had some kind of lack to it, which made it useless in certain situations giving you that "Damn, if I would've been a sin, this would've went differently (better)".
So what should've happened is they should've brought every bar on par with the Sin's, rather than the Sin's with every other. Why? Because the Sin bar was, by far, the best and most fun/complete bar to play, similar to balancing PvP around GvG.
The Monk should've gotten RoD, Veil, some kind of prot elite (think SoR or PnH), maybe even Word of Censure. (If they wanted to go more offensive)
Every other profession in general needed more damage, warriors shoudl've gotten Heavy Blow (for Dev hammer). Rangers were relatively fine, but barbed arrows for their elite, and cripshot or melshot for one of their attacks would've made them alot more suitable. I can keep on going for just about every profession. Rather than making the Sinclass incomplete and gimped, they should've made every other class complete, or compensate lack in certain areas by extras in others.
Now we've got 8 relatively boring bars to play, or atleast for the people who know what they're doing (Just because monkeys think it's fun to play with a stick doesn't mean playing with a stick is fun) because there simply isn't much you can do if your bar is gimped. Blind as a sin? /sit for 8 seconds.
And this whole "bring down every bar to a redicilously bad level"-thing wouldn't have been so bad, if it wasn't for the fact that every bar is so straight-forward. As a Warrior, you litterely go in, and spam your shit. I mean, there really isn't many other ways of playing your bar. As an Ele, you go in and spam your shit. If you don't kill shit, too bad, nothing more you could've done.
Agreed, it's a little bit the nature of the beast (sealed deck), but when you had bars like the old Palm Strike sin, you could work around 90% of the problems you faced simply by playing differently or playing better.
Every scrimmage has now turned into a Rock-Paper-Scissor match. If you're facing an Ele 1V1 as a frontliner, you're going to loose. (Unless they somehow RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO up on ashblast + Lsurge) If you face a ranger or rit or monk as an ele, you're going to loose. Etc, etc...
Rather than giving every bar some versatile skills, they stripped all bars of all versatily. This in result turns the format in a very boring one to play, atleast for me, and every friend I've pm'ed so far to come and play some CB together. (and talk on vent for the lulz)
Then there's the GvG updates: 50 bags of ToT-bags per win. I like the intiative, but once again implemented competely wrong. For starters, why would PvE'ers start GvG'ing all of a sudden? 50 ToT bags in peanuts compared to farming them, or doing CB. Given the fact that on average, you'll need 2 GvG's for one set of bags (50/50 ratio, probably even lower for PvE'ers), and an average GvG lasts about 25 minutes (including set-up, waiting time, etc).
That's 50 bags per hour, hardly worth playing for, especially when you still don't know what you're doing.
And even if PvE'ers started playing in masses all of a sudden, what's stopping them from turning this into a RR event? Anet once again mistaked promoting PvP with promoting farming. More and better rewards are good, as long as they can't be farmed. "Force" PvE'ers (so to speak) to LEARN to play better and more efficient, and reward that effort. For those who absolutely don't want to PvP, don't. (So don't give unique rewards, but don't spit in our faces either -like 50 ToT bags-)
Nontheless, for the people already GvG'ing, this is a nice bonus, but ask yourselves, is this really what the GvG scene needs? Already alliance chat (of a top 30 alliance) is getting filled with jokes as to how redicilous this really is. Surely, it's welcome free money, but this in no way makes up for the years of neglect, or gives people a feeling of "satisfaction" all of a sudden.
I can see, and feel, Anet is trying to reach out. But it's FAR to little, maybe not too late. Anet, and apparently the Test Krewe, still has alot to learn as to fixing the problem rather than the symptoms. A good effort, but I can not see me enjoying this Haloween more than I would've any other week, aside from the "free" ToT bags I occasionaly get...
I just typed 1 hours on this shit, not even kidding, sorry for language.
EDIT: I've decided to make a new thread about this post alltogether in the hopes some influencial TK members (I knew Shayne read this thread too, but mainly referring to Anet staff) to give them some honest feedback about their updates.
Note I say PvP'ers because a large part of the PvE community venturing in PvP don't care about fun, they mostly care about rewards. On top of that, due to their lack of PvP experience, most of them wouldn't even understand what is fun and whatnot. (Similar to how peope in the 80's concidered Space Invaders etc fun.)
Syncing is fixed, but in what manner? One of the biggest complaints of the match-up system is the large amount of terrible people playing. Now, don't get me wrong: it's a good thing syncing no longer works (I must admit I synced last year aswell), but at what cost? Imagine if syncing was weeds growing on your lawn. You've succesfully burned the weeds to the ground, but at the same time your intire lawn is reduced to a pile of ash...
Getting consecutive wins is one of the most fun parts about PvP, because it gives the feeling (illusion?) you're getting rewarded for your play. Now, it's only a matter of time before you get teamed up with 4 complete retards, and your sense of achievement goes down the shitter, because you simply can't carry an intire team. I've done enough runs last year where I didn't sync, and I got teamed up with 4 other semi-competent people. My skill was more ofte than not that little bit we needed to carry our team to victory, and my allies were good enough not to loose matches and ultimately frustrate me to death.
Now, you'dd be lucky if you get more than 3 consecutives, solely because the overal skill level of peope is so low, you might aswell Rock-Paper-Scissors. This alone is for me a reason not to play it anymore.
Instead, they should've just fixed syncing at it's core, and that's shuffling the list of entering players 2-3 seconds before going in, and then form teams out of that shuffle. They've ruined a large part of the fun in a format solely to fix a problem which could've been fixed alot easier...
Then there's the bars. The main problem was, everyone agrees, the Sin bar. The Palm Strike template was simply so strong, it had no problems killing every other bar 1v1, and even being able to beat most other professions 2v1.
However, the problem never was the efficiency of the Sinbar, but rather the inefficiency of all the other bars.
The Sin bar was so strong not because it was overpowered, but because it was overal; it had healing, condition removal, survivability and killing power. Not only did this make the Sinbar the best to play, it also made it the most fun to play. Nowhere during the time you played sin, even if you died or got rolled 0-20 you got the feeling you got gimped because of your bar. Every other bar had some kind of lack to it, which made it useless in certain situations giving you that "Damn, if I would've been a sin, this would've went differently (better)".
So what should've happened is they should've brought every bar on par with the Sin's, rather than the Sin's with every other. Why? Because the Sin bar was, by far, the best and most fun/complete bar to play, similar to balancing PvP around GvG.
The Monk should've gotten RoD, Veil, some kind of prot elite (think SoR or PnH), maybe even Word of Censure. (If they wanted to go more offensive)
Every other profession in general needed more damage, warriors shoudl've gotten Heavy Blow (for Dev hammer). Rangers were relatively fine, but barbed arrows for their elite, and cripshot or melshot for one of their attacks would've made them alot more suitable. I can keep on going for just about every profession. Rather than making the Sinclass incomplete and gimped, they should've made every other class complete, or compensate lack in certain areas by extras in others.
Now we've got 8 relatively boring bars to play, or atleast for the people who know what they're doing (Just because monkeys think it's fun to play with a stick doesn't mean playing with a stick is fun) because there simply isn't much you can do if your bar is gimped. Blind as a sin? /sit for 8 seconds.
And this whole "bring down every bar to a redicilously bad level"-thing wouldn't have been so bad, if it wasn't for the fact that every bar is so straight-forward. As a Warrior, you litterely go in, and spam your shit. I mean, there really isn't many other ways of playing your bar. As an Ele, you go in and spam your shit. If you don't kill shit, too bad, nothing more you could've done.
Agreed, it's a little bit the nature of the beast (sealed deck), but when you had bars like the old Palm Strike sin, you could work around 90% of the problems you faced simply by playing differently or playing better.
Every scrimmage has now turned into a Rock-Paper-Scissor match. If you're facing an Ele 1V1 as a frontliner, you're going to loose. (Unless they somehow RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO up on ashblast + Lsurge) If you face a ranger or rit or monk as an ele, you're going to loose. Etc, etc...
Rather than giving every bar some versatile skills, they stripped all bars of all versatily. This in result turns the format in a very boring one to play, atleast for me, and every friend I've pm'ed so far to come and play some CB together. (and talk on vent for the lulz)
Then there's the GvG updates: 50 bags of ToT-bags per win. I like the intiative, but once again implemented competely wrong. For starters, why would PvE'ers start GvG'ing all of a sudden? 50 ToT bags in peanuts compared to farming them, or doing CB. Given the fact that on average, you'll need 2 GvG's for one set of bags (50/50 ratio, probably even lower for PvE'ers), and an average GvG lasts about 25 minutes (including set-up, waiting time, etc).
That's 50 bags per hour, hardly worth playing for, especially when you still don't know what you're doing.
And even if PvE'ers started playing in masses all of a sudden, what's stopping them from turning this into a RR event? Anet once again mistaked promoting PvP with promoting farming. More and better rewards are good, as long as they can't be farmed. "Force" PvE'ers (so to speak) to LEARN to play better and more efficient, and reward that effort. For those who absolutely don't want to PvP, don't. (So don't give unique rewards, but don't spit in our faces either -like 50 ToT bags-)
Nontheless, for the people already GvG'ing, this is a nice bonus, but ask yourselves, is this really what the GvG scene needs? Already alliance chat (of a top 30 alliance) is getting filled with jokes as to how redicilous this really is. Surely, it's welcome free money, but this in no way makes up for the years of neglect, or gives people a feeling of "satisfaction" all of a sudden.
I can see, and feel, Anet is trying to reach out. But it's FAR to little, maybe not too late. Anet, and apparently the Test Krewe, still has alot to learn as to fixing the problem rather than the symptoms. A good effort, but I can not see me enjoying this Haloween more than I would've any other week, aside from the "free" ToT bags I occasionaly get...
I just typed 1 hours on this shit, not even kidding, sorry for language.
EDIT: I've decided to make a new thread about this post alltogether in the hopes some influencial TK members (I knew Shayne read this thread too, but mainly referring to Anet staff) to give them some honest feedback about their updates.
own age myname
cant wait for the new costumes.....that female one looks great...and wings on the other, sweeeeeettt!!
Mr. Undisclosed
there are plenty of other costume brawl related thread already... so im going to change the subject.
Anyone know where the collectors in droks went to? They appear to be missing.
Anyone know where the collectors in droks went to? They appear to be missing.
There is a time line for collectors to appear, they don't all come at one time, not sure if the one you are talking about is one of them.
Feathermoore Rep
Why are you so mad? Why are you so surprised? ANet never liked people syncing matches. Obviously, as soon as they could find a sort of solution, they would use it.
But seriously 1 in 3 sync teams??? are you kidding me?? I wish i would have kept statistics. I know for sure i played easily 4 hours a day in CB last year for like a week. All assorted times. Only times I came into that many sync teams was at like 5am EST. DEAD HOUR. This game barely has 1000 people TOTAL in pvp at that hour. At peak game hours, running into a sync team is like 1:1000. Why wel duh its not advantageous to them at the hour. Which is why you find them all out at dead hour. The system is fine. Granted they borked coding and it allows syncing. If the arena is actually populated syncing doesn't exist. But when you barely have 100 people in an arena. Its bound to happen.
Syncing was and always is QQ about getting farmed by players abusing the system. If you don't to enforce anti-syncing through temp bans, then come up with a coding fix.
Bad fixes are still bad. At least someone can finally balance 1 bar per each class. Now lets see if they can expand that...
Just my own little Halloween poem to get in the spirit of things.
The Jack-O-Lantern's Poem
I sit with demon spirit trapped
That came to steal your soul
With grinning face and bright lit eyes
I keep you safe and whole
On All Hallows Eve
Malignant spirits roam the earth
To feast upon your souls
And prove their evil worth
Demon spirits see my light
And think a soul to steal
Too late until they realize
My prison is for real
Heed you of my prison
And careful how you handle
For smashing me or cracking me
If you be a vandal
Frees the spirit most malign
To feed upon your soul
He'll rip and rend, tear and shred
Then feed it to a troll
I may be just an orange gourd
Empty but for flame
But carve me well and treat me right
For I keep you from the same
The Jack-O-Lantern's Poem
I sit with demon spirit trapped
That came to steal your soul
With grinning face and bright lit eyes
I keep you safe and whole
On All Hallows Eve
Malignant spirits roam the earth
To feast upon your souls
And prove their evil worth
Demon spirits see my light
And think a soul to steal
Too late until they realize
My prison is for real
Heed you of my prison
And careful how you handle
For smashing me or cracking me
If you be a vandal
Frees the spirit most malign
To feed upon your soul
He'll rip and rend, tear and shred
Then feed it to a troll
I may be just an orange gourd
Empty but for flame
But carve me well and treat me right
For I keep you from the same
Nice poem. I got one...
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I cant wait for GW2
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I cant wait for GW2
Missing HB
But why would we fix syncing in a non considered PvP arena and let it go in a PvP one ?? Is that just a test( i guess it is htough ) ??? Is that once again to show the high care on PvP??
dancing gnome
My New Name
1 out of 20...more like 1 out of 3.
And if you're really good shouldn't be a problem now. 5 bad players vs 4 bad players + you should be win for you if you're good. With this new system with a totally new team every round I had 6-7 consecutives quite often. way better than fighting the same sync'd team ever 3 games |
it was meant to be random and now it is
nn guilds in CB
dancing gnome
All costumes die in popularity after a month, plus if they are dyeable there should be enough variations. I'm just disappointed the winged one has horse legs. Blech.
here you go: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:...kinu_wings.png
Looks fine to me, dont mind the legs one bit.
Looks fine to me, dont mind the legs one bit.