Title points/Tomes/Weapons/Collectables/Other



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Dark Nightmare


I'm looking to sell lots of odds n ends, if there isn't a price next to something then bid whatever comes to mind and I'll probably take it. For most of the usual stuff the prices come straight from the price guides.

Alcohol Points
Keg - 15k(100g/point)
Aged Hunter's Ales(x17) = 300g each(100g/point)
Hunter's Ales(x9) = 100g each

Sweet Points
Green Rock Candies(x5) = 450g each(150g/point)

Party Points
Crates of Fireworks(x5) = 450(150g/point)
Cottontail Tonics(x4) = 300g(150g/point)

Summoning Stones
Mercantile Summoning Stones(x14) = 300g each
Mysterious Summoning Stones(x47) = 300g each

Elite Mesmer Tome = 5k
Elite Ranger Tome = 5k
Normal Paragon Tome = 500g

Unique Weapons
The Yakslapper = 3k
Murakai's Blade = 3k
Kerrsh's Staff = 2k
Sentasi's Jade Hammer
Nundak's Recurve Bow
Rot's Putrescence
Konrru's Fervor
Ilsunder's Focus

Rare Weapons
Vampiric Dragon Sword = 25k
Ascalon Reaver = 10k
Ancient Scythe(Slashing 9-41 Q9 no mods inscribable)

Ded Minis(Emphasis on Ded!)
1k Each
Roaring Ether
Necrid Horseman
Siege Turtle
Thorn Wolf
Jungle Troll

Superb Charr Carvings(x68) = 300g each
Destroyer Cores(x8) = 300g each
War Supplies(x54) = 10k/25 Supplies or 400g each

Some of the above prices are immutable, others are flexible. If you have any questions/concerns shoot me a PM or whisper.

Times I should be on:
Weekdays: 7PM EST-11PM EST
Weekends: 10AM EST-11PM EST(Probably more idle time in a slot this big but whisper/pm and I'll try to get back to you)

IGN: Rhunex Lazux