PvE: Looking for a Guild to do Stuff

Dekar Zero

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2010


I'm relatively new to this game, picked it up at the 5th year sale. Beat Nightfall, Prophecies, and EotN, but not Factions which I also own. My first Guild consisted of me and one other person, I've mostly been soloing the game.

I'd like a guild for doing mostly upper end stuff with. Like many others, I'm trying to fill the HoM. I'm not afraid of doing 'meta' builds or whatever. I just want proper teams for things like the UW, vanquishing, and masters rewards.

I have currently have, an assassin capable of perma-shadowing, a dervish that I don't use much, a ranger with several elites, and my 'main', a mesmer I recently started who is currently working though nightfall. Again.

I do not know how to sell myself.

EDIT: In game name for the mesmer is 'Dekar Kane'.

EDIT2: EST, will have a headset soon. Probably by the weekend.