Golds, Greens and Mods Galore! Oni Blade, Shadow Shield, etc. Check it out!

David The Impaler

David The Impaler

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Hey all. So I haven't used this forum to sell in a while, but I simply have too much stuff cluttering my inventory and don't particularly feel like selling it off 1 by 1 in town. So, I'm just gonna post all the wares I have, and depending how they trend as well as the in-game bids I get will determine if/how I set B/O's at a later date. Will update offers regularly. Thanks all, and happy bidding!

r9 gold insc elemental sword (zealous, +29hp)
r9 gold insc elemental sword (armor +7 vs phys)
r9 gold insc elemental sword (lengthens bleed, armor +5)
r10 gold insc elemental sword (ebon, 15% while ench, 20% vs undead)
r10 gold insc elemental sword (15% while ench, armor +5)
r12 gold insc elemental sword (icy, armor +7 vs ele)
r13 gold insc elemental sword (ench 19% longer, hct spells 10%)
r13 gold insc elemental sword (lengthens poison, ench 19% longer)
r9 gold insc dead sword (ebon, 15% while stance)
r9 gold insc butterfly sword (lengthens bleed) C/O: 5k - Luny
r12 gold insc platinum blade (ench 19% longer, hsr spells 10%)
r10 gold insc sephis sword (ench 20% longer)
r10 gold insc katana (zealous, +30 hp)
r9 gold insc fiery gladius (fire, 15% while ench) C/O - 6k Jai Uchiha
r9 gold insc igneous blade (icy, dmg 15% vs hexed, +29)
r10 gold insc brute sword (poison, 15% while ench, ench 20% longer)
r10 gold Oni Blade (15%/-1hp regen) C/O - 35k animal fighter x
r9 gold Forked Sword (15^50%, double adrenal 10%, armor +7 vs phys)
r8 purple fellblade (14^50%, cripple, swrds +1(20%))
r9 gold fellblade (15%/-5, 20/20)

r11 gold insc fiery blade axe (fire, 15%/-10 armor, ench 19% longer)
r9 gold insc icy blade axe (cold, ench 19% longer, hsr spells 9%)
r12 gold insc icy blade axe (cold, 15^50%, ench 19% longer)
r9 gold insc (perfect) shadow axe (15^50%, 20/20 AP, +30hp)
r9 gold insc hand axe (tyrian) (poison, +7 armor vs phys)
r9 gold insc dragoncrest axe (15^50%, axe +1(19%))
r9 gold insc sephis axe (vamp, 15% vs hexed, axe +1(19%))
r9 gold double-bladed axe (15^50%, deep wound, 19% vs charr)
r9 gold great axe (15^50%, double adrenal 9%, +29hp)
r11 gold summit axe (15^50%, ebon, +7 armor vs ele)

r11 tac gold insc shadow shield (+30hp) C/O - 10k the mordiego
r10 str gold insc gloom shield (reduce disease, +29hp)
r11 tac gold insc kappa shield (reduce bleed, +59hp while hexed)
r10 tac gold insc aegis (+9 armor vs slash, +29hp)
r11 str gold insc tower shield (reduce blind, +45hp while ench)
r9 com gold insc skull shield (armor +10 vs fire)

r9 gold insc piranha hammer (cold, 15^50%, ench 20% longer)
r9 gold insc bronze crusher (fire, 14% vs hexed)
r10 gold insc igneous maul (lengthens deep wound, 15% while ench, 19% vs undead)
r10 gold summit hammer (15% n stance, armor +5)

r9 gold insc windblade spear (lengthens daze, armor +7 vs ele)
r9 purple insc nightmare spear (armor +5)

r9 gold insc savage daggers (double adrenal 10%, armor +7 vs phys, 15%
while ench)
r9 gold insc platinum sickles (lengthens cripple, armor +7 vs ele, hct spells 9%)
r9 gold insc golden talons (ebon)
r10 gold insc sai (clean)

r9 gold shadow bow (vamp, 14^50%)

r9 air gold insc dolyak prod staff (lightning dmg, energy +10, hct air 20%,
r9 insp gold insc dragon spire staff (chaos dmg, energy +10, energy +50%,
armor +5)

r10 DF gold insc onyx scepter (fire dmg, hsr spells 10%, 15% in stance)
r9 DF gold insc holy rod (fire dmg, hsr DF 20%, +5e^50%)

Inspired Shadow Staff (energy +10, r9 insp, hsr spells 20%, energy +5^50%,
+60 hp, chaos dmg)
Magekiller (energy +10, r9 dom, hsr spells 20%, hct dom 20%, +60 hp, chaos
dmg) C/O: 3k-vader
(x2) Rotwing Recurve Bow (r9, lengthens poison, energy +5, +30hp)
Claws of Broodmother (r9, 15^50, lengthens poison, +30hp)
Kaolin Wand (r9 spawning, 10/10, lightning dmg)
Scepter of the Keeper (r9 blood, 20/20, dark dmg)
Korrub's Vision (energy +12, r9 dom, Dom +1 20%, +30 hp)
Mallyx's Faith (r9 DF, hsr spells 10%, energy +5^50%, fire dmg)
Amiresh's Piety (energy +12, r9 prot, energy +15/-1, +30 hp)
Zoldark's Focus (energy +12, r9 SR, hsr spells 10%, energy +15/-1)
Focus of the Master (energy +12, r9 sr, hsr SR 20%, +30hp)
Dragoncrest Axe (15^50%, vamp, +30hp)
Tanzit's Cleaver (15^50%, lengthens deep wound, +30hp)
Enadiz's Defender (strength, reduces cripple, +30hp)
The Scar Eater (DF, energy +10, hct heal pr. 20%, hsr spells 20%, +60hp) C/O: 3k-vader
Morgriff's Staff (Death, energy +10, hct spells 10% hsr spells 20%, armor +10)
(x2) Amulets of the Mist C/O - 3k Tej Singh
(x3) Books of Secrets C/O - 3k Tej Singh

(x5) icy bowstrings
(x5) siliencing bowstrings
(x3) zealous bowstrings
(x2) fiery bowstrings
ebon bowstring
shocking bowstring
(x2) poisonous bowstring
bowgrip of enchanting (20%)
(x2) bowgrip of fortitude (+30hp)
spear grip of enchanting (20%)
scythe grip of enchanting (20%) C/O: 2k - Isabelle Von Morte
furious axe haft (10%)
axe grip of fortitude (+30hp)
furious dagger tang (10%)
(x4) icy sword hilts
sword pommel of fortitude (+29hp)
sword pommel of fortitude (+30) C/O - 3k Evlion Shashu
(x3) strength and honor inscriptions (15^50%)
i have the power inscription (+5 energy)
(x2) seize the day inscriptions (energy +15/-1)
(x2) measure for measure inscriptions (highly salvageable)
have faith inscription (+5 energy while ench)
riddle of steel inscription (+10 armor vs slashing)
furious spearhead (10%) C/O: 800g - Tej Singh
insightful staff head (+5e) C/O: 1.5k - Tej Singh
(x4) adept staff head (hct spells of item's att.)
+30hp hammer mod



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2008

Bai Paasu Reach

The Wild Stallions [WS]


Offer: 3k for sword pommel of fortitude (+30)

IGN: Evlion Shashu



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2008



Amulets of the Mists and Books of secrets (all) 2k ea
IGN Marcella Ranger



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


r9 gold insc fiery gladius - 5k
r10 gold Oni Blade - 10k

IGN: Adrasteia Thalion

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

r10 gold Oni Blade 20k

ign animal fighter x



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2007

Pozna??, UTC+1

We Are From Poland [Pol]


r11 tac gold insc shadow shield (+30hp)
the mordiego

David The Impaler

David The Impaler

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Bumping it up.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Le Murmure Du Paria [shhh] ; IGN: The Evanescent

400g on 1 Measure for Measure insc. retract, a friend got one on a gold unid I gave him as a new player present

IGN: The Evanescent

David The Impaler

David The Impaler

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Another bump. A number of nice items, so don't be shy!

Shy Guy

Shy Guy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2009



6k for the fiery gladius
Jai Uchiha



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


3k for Magekiller
3k for Scar Eater

tej singh

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2010

Saviors of the Lion


3k for amulets and books is my offer....
and 800g for the furious spearhead?
and the insightful staff head +5e 1.5k
let me know

IGN Tej Singh

Thank you


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Hi there ...

I've recently realized I need a "Butterfly Sword," and you appear to have one for sale! So I offer ...

5k for r9 gold insc butterfly sword (lengthens bleed)

I would also like to offer ...

30k for r10 gold Oni Blade (15%/-1hp regen)

... because I'm not as experienced at fighting Oni animals as animal fighter is, so I need this sword more than he does.

Thanks & Cheers,

EDIT - Nov. 3 - I'm retracting offers. I was already outbid on the Oni Blade, and I just bought a Butterfly Sword to serve my needs in game. Sorry for any trouble, but it looks like this thread may be abandoned now. :/



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2008

Southeast, USA


Scythe Grip of Enchanting 20% - 2k

IGN: Isabelle Von Morte

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

35k oni blade

animals need me to slay them

David The Impaler

David The Impaler

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Updated and bumped.

David The Impaler

David The Impaler

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Anuzza bump, yah?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2009

Mystical knights


15k for fiery gladius, IGN: aaron the fith

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