I have all of the materials for the Black Moa Chick, but I really don't have the time to just sit down and go through Sorrows Furnace and get to the Final Assault, which is the quest required to make the Black Moa Chick. However, on wiki, it says that only one person in the party needs to have the quest active to make it work.
So what I need is someone who has completed Sorrows Furnace and would be willing to get the quest, Final Assault (which is a repeatable quest) and help me get to the furnace to get my incubator cooking.
I have no set price, but I figured that whoever offers can work it out with me either by posting here or by catching me in game. (Either would be fine, but doing both would assure contact between us.)
IGN: Tai Kratos
Black Moa Chick - Sorrows Furnace "run"
I'll do the run for you. I got you added.