PC on some weapons
***closed, multiple threads in 24 hours***
What requests?
Jeweled Staff - merch.
Bronze Crusher - merch. (salvage strength and honor)
Inscribed Staff - merch. (salvage health +30)
Mesmer Tome - 500g-800g.
Jeweled Chalice - merch.
Hypnotic Scepter - merch.
Cane - merch.
Battle Axe - merch.
Ebon Battle Axe - merch.
Jeweled Staff - merch.
Bronze Crusher - merch. (salvage strength and honor)
Inscribed Staff - merch. (salvage health +30)
Mesmer Tome - 500g-800g.
Jeweled Chalice - merch.
Hypnotic Scepter - merch.
Cane - merch.
Battle Axe - merch.
Ebon Battle Axe - merch.
mesmer tome is more like 200g
others agreed
others agreed
requirement should be posted when asking for price check as it is one of the most important stats affecting price
example: req 9 swordsmanship, req 13 domination magic, etc
example: req 9 swordsmanship, req 13 domination magic, etc
Yes, ignore stelamaris's PC since he has no idea what the requirements of your items are. Edit your original post with the requirements, and someone will help you out with prices. The skin of the Jeweled Staff would be helpful as well (the smoky gray one, or the twin serpent one). You should also specify if the items are gold rarity, or purple, or whatever.
Id personally salvage the useful mods and merch the rest/mat salv them
Despite the reqs, all the skins re common in their inscribable versions so I0d agree with merching/heroing them. Btw, mesmer tome is more 200-300 line as way2dead stated