W/me Smite Crawler Farm Data Collection.

Light And Peace

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2010

Over the last month or so, I have farmed smites enough to collect a little over 2000 minutes of active farming. I've digested the data and wanted to present it to everyone here.

First, a couple of caveats, this wasn't an intent to farm (intent to treat) study. This was to collect actual ecto drop rate information per minute of active farming within the ice waste.

A run was included in the data set if:
1) Chamber was Cleared.
2) Killed 1st set of Smites.

If not, those runs were thrown out in regards to the ecto data.

The average full successful run, killing all smites without dying takes 9 minutes for me.

Most ectos received on a run: 4.

Most number of consective runs withou ANY ecto: 11

The data that I have shows that for everyon 10 minutes of icewaste farming, you average a little over 1 ecto. To be a little more exact, 100 minutes comes out to about 10.5 to 11 ectos.

Now, keep in mind, this doesn't include, time to sell to merchant or failed runs. Failed run (dying before killing the 1set of smites), usually do to getting rubberbanded on the way to the actual smites occurs about 1/5 or 1/6 times for me.

In 2000 or so minutes, there were a total of 5 saphires dropped, and 2 rubies, and 3 black dye. Worthwhile keepable gold items, r9 or 10 bows (stormbows/eternal bows), r9 or r10 double stated eternal shields, r9 or 10 firey dragon swords (with good inscription), occured about 3 times per 1000 minutes. Of course what's keepable is somewhat subjective. Total of 4 stacks of phantom residue/demonic remains, 3 stacks of dust, about 10 stacks of iron, 3 stacks of granite, 4 stacks of bone, too many stacks of wood to count, <1 stack of scales.

So final conclusion, if you farm hardcore on the smites and taking in consideration of dying on a couple runs early, selling to merchant, etc, you should average around 5-6 ectos an hour.

I'm thinking about seeing how the RT build for the chaos planes does next.

PS, if mods thinks this needs to move to warrior subcategory, please move before closing.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2010

Do you ever have issues with the chamber? (Pulling all three grasping mobs)

Also, how did you kill one group at a time? or maximum amount of smites possible every time?

And last but not least can we see some sets of your data?

Jk Arrow

Jk Arrow

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2008


Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Adding in the other goodies to the ectos and subtracting the UW cost of entry averages out to around 1k per minute per successful run. Taking failed runs into consideration, it would be a bit less than that, my guess would be 800-850. Actually a bit higher than I would have thought. Most holiday farms work out to about 1k/min while good normal (non event) farms are somewhere in the 500-700 per min range (including SoS UW).