Skin unlocks in ANet store
I will try to be brief.
Since there are already skill unlocks by real cash in the shop, why not adding skin unlocks (for PvP ) in the same way? On the practical side, its the same idea: paying with cash something that otherwise would take some time.
ANet makes makes more money outta GW1 and players can get more shineys for they PvP's faster.
I guess it wouldnt hurt anyone.
Since there are already skill unlocks by real cash in the shop, why not adding skin unlocks (for PvP ) in the same way? On the practical side, its the same idea: paying with cash something that otherwise would take some time.
ANet makes makes more money outta GW1 and players can get more shineys for they PvP's faster.
I guess it wouldnt hurt anyone.
To Chicken To Die
Buying prestige with real money? I think there trying to avoid this thats why account selling and gold/ecto etc selling for real life money in not allowed.
Buying prestige with real money? I think there trying to avoid this thats why account selling and gold/ecto etc selling for real life money in not allowed.
Skin unlocks for PvP doesnt affect the ingame economy or status quo, since Reward Points cannot be traded, and theres no one else making money out of the game besides ANet, who truly deserve it. Thats my point.
While you are correct that it gives no tactical advantage, it is considered buying prestige. Buying Prestige is something ANET does not encourage.
It is the exact same effect as buying ectos from a website. While having them gives you tactical advantage, you can use the ectos to buy prestigious items.
Buying ectos from a website does not cause inflation. In fact, it would cause the opposite. You added more ectos into the market, meaning the value has gone down.
It is the exact same effect as buying ectos from a website. While having them gives you tactical advantage, you can use the ectos to buy prestigious items.
Buying ectos from a website does not cause inflation. In fact, it would cause the opposite. You added more ectos into the market, meaning the value has gone down.
Shadow Sin
Selling acc's and ecto/gold with real cash is bad cause affect directly people that don't do that by inflating the prices artificially, addind that its some kind of piracy, cos they're making money over an ANet product that these sellers have no right to explore. And I dont even dare to speak about that swet shops tha fuel that market. Not to mention the fact of there are acc's stolen 'cos of all that..
Skin unlocks for PvP doesnt affect the ingame economy or status quo, since Reward Points cannot be traded, and theres no one else making money out of the game besides ANet, who truly deserve it. Thats my point. |
There are already weapons you can buy: The BMP has weapons. Play the BMP and you can get a lot of really cool skinned weapons. You also get some amazing GW back story. You can buy the Collector's Editions too. Those contain weapons as well. You can buy weapon skins for PvP with Silver and Gold Zaishen Coins from Tolkano[Tournament] NPC in GToB. Heck, you can buy Obsidian Armor with enough Zaishen Coins after you unlock numerous sets of PvP armor from Tolkano.
Play the game and talk to every NPC.
Play the game and talk to every NPC.
While you are correct that it gives no tactical advantage, it is considered buying prestige. Buying Prestige is something ANET does not encourage.
It is the exact same effect as buying ectos from a website. While having them gives you tactical advantage, you can use the ectos to buy prestigious items. Buying ectos from a website does not cause inflation. In fact, it would cause the opposite. You added more ectos into the market, meaning the value has gone down. |
IMHO, as long as things keep it in the cosmetic field, there is no harm done. ANet can throw everything at us.
The price of ectos going down, but the price of hi-end stuff go up in ectos. Since there are so many ectos flying around, why ask 50e for a skin when there are people willing to give 100e?
Imo, only unique skins such as the costumes should be buyable with real money. That way, you can always see the difference between stuff that has been bought with real money and stuff that has been earned in-game.
What a horrrrible idea. Next step - unlock titles and rank/zrank emotes in RMT store... they're just cosmetics aren't they?
If it means getting some love for pvp thanks to other people paying, sure.
Why the hell not? EverQuest II recently went free to play and on their F2P servers, you can literally BUY your character to the point you want and buy your way through the game, lol. ON top of the fact that the F2P servers still offer a sub based model to get more crap and they also kept their P2P model on the original servers. They are literally bathing in just about as much money as Blizzard is with WoW's subscribers.
ArenaNet sure can use the money and support too from it's players so they can keep both GW2 AND GW1 running happily for everyone who still enjoys it 3, 5 maybe 10 years from now give or take. GW1 is F2P so why not add micro transactions that would be beneficial?
Just as long as they keep a reason to PLAY the game, and not add silly transactions like "for just 99 cents, change your secondary profession at any time even in PRE searing!" or "buy a level for just a buck 20!!".
ArenaNet sure can use the money and support too from it's players so they can keep both GW2 AND GW1 running happily for everyone who still enjoys it 3, 5 maybe 10 years from now give or take. GW1 is F2P so why not add micro transactions that would be beneficial?
Just as long as they keep a reason to PLAY the game, and not add silly transactions like "for just 99 cents, change your secondary profession at any time even in PRE searing!" or "buy a level for just a buck 20!!".
Sirius Bsns
I don't exactly see what's so wrong with this suggestion, tbh. As long as the skins are limited to PvP toons only [meaning these skin unlocks cannot be exhibited outside of the PvP arenas], there's still prestige to be had in PvE. Surely prices would be affected, but not that "drastically" as many players would elude into thinking. Players would still buy ectos because they'd still want to be able to show off their shiny gear in Kamadan, LA, KC, and so on. Also, there're many other high-end things to sink ectos and gold into [i.e.: miniatures, event items, etc.].
Selling acc's and ecto/gold with real cash is bad cause affect directly people that don't do that by inflating the prices artificially, addind that its some kind of piracy, cos they're making money over an ANet product that these sellers have no right to explore. And I dont even dare to speak about that swet shops tha fuel that market. Not to mention the fact of there are acc's stolen 'cos of all that..
Skin unlocks for PvP doesnt affect the ingame economy or status quo, since Reward Points cannot be traded, and theres no one else making money out of the game besides ANet, who truly deserve it. Thats my point. |
Selling acc's and ecto/gold with real cash is bad cause affect directly people that don't do that by inflating the prices artificially,
This idea, however, will RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO with an already instable economy.
addind that its some kind of piracy, cos they're making money over an ANet product that these sellers have no right to explore. |
And I dont even dare to speak about that swet shops tha fuel that market. |
Not to mention the fact of there are acc's stolen 'cos of all that.. |
Skin unlocks for PvP doesnt affect the ingame economy or status quo, since Reward Points cannot be traded, and theres no one else making money out of the game besides ANet, who truly deserve it. Thats my point. |
It does effect the economy and you need to go back and think about this statement (see I can do it without calling people a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing idiot)
This is how an economy works right:
Person A wants to buy a r9 VS
Person B wants to sell a r9 VS
Person A and Person B agree on a reasonable price and they trade
If this is introduced:
Person A wants to buy a r9 VS
Person B wants to sell a r9 VS
Person A goes and buys it from the in game store since he really just wants it for PvP
Your removing the demand that's supplied by anyone who mainly PvP's.
This is how an economy works right:
Person A wants to buy a r9 VS Person B wants to sell a r9 VS Person A and Person B agree on a reasonable price and they trade |
If this is introduced:
Person A wants to buy a r9 VS Person B wants to sell a r9 VS Person A goes and buys it from the in game store since he really just wants it for PvP O shit your RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing with the economy. Your removing the demand that's supplied by anyone who mainly PvP's. |
As I said before, A title like Legendary Champion is far more respectable than any shiny. That is true prestige. That cannot be sold.
BTW theres no need of going red engine on a harmless suggestion thread.
In theory works..but it turns out to be an all-out auction for the best prices. hardcore big guns dominating the market.
As result shiny gear will be more accessible, ecto wise, in both PvP and PVE. Not cheap, but more accessible. Maybe some will get less rich...but theres no need of gazillions of ingame currency when all can be obtained for less. |
2)Having no rare skins removes a majority of peoples reason for playing the game these days. From Speed clearers to people like me who play balanced through UW or Frostmaws or SoO.
3) again your claim was that it wouldn't RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO with the economy. Which it would as again your removing a large quantity of demand. It's not my fault that you don't have fancy things. I work hard for what I get. And here you go you wanna make my hard work be pointless. And make it harder for you average player to get into a state of high endness. Thats the beauty of the system as it is now. People can work their way up to being rich. If they have no dungeons that drop rare items or no dhuums soul reaper to hope for how are they supposed to break into that high end market without a large bit of backing cash its just not possible.
As I said before, A title like Legendary Champion is far more respectable than any shiny. That is true prestige. That cannot be sold. |
BTW theres no need of going red engine on a harmless suggestion thread. |
Meh, weapon skins are a form of showing off your accomplishments (either you bought it or it dropped for you) in game both in PvP and PvE.
By making them available for purchase in the in-game store pretty much slits that in the throat. It turns into who is more accomplished concerning their credit card statement which has nothing to do with Guild Wars.
Skills/Mods/Heroes are available for unlocking for people who literally want to do NO PvE whatsoever (or who are just impatient). Sure, you can unlock things with faction for your PvP characters but how do you gain enough faction in the first place with crap skills to start off with? Everything you can buy in the store is for bare minimum play (no prettiness). Elite skins must be earned.
By making them available for purchase in the in-game store pretty much slits that in the throat. It turns into who is more accomplished concerning their credit card statement which has nothing to do with Guild Wars.
Skills/Mods/Heroes are available for unlocking for people who literally want to do NO PvE whatsoever (or who are just impatient). Sure, you can unlock things with faction for your PvP characters but how do you gain enough faction in the first place with crap skills to start off with? Everything you can buy in the store is for bare minimum play (no prettiness). Elite skins must be earned.
Shadowspawn X
Horrible idea. Buying accomplishments is just lame.
do i need to have a NCsoft account just so i can buy anything off the online store? i really like those costume but i do not wish to associate my account with NCsoft

/signed if you can buy only armor skin, and not weapons skin.
Weapons are tradable in game, and you need to keep the market on. Armor are not tradable, so the way you obtain the armor is up to you. Moreover, in pvp, it is extremely difficult to have an armor, it cost too much. So for me it would be nice if you can pay to have your pvp armor. Anet makes money, and it does not affect the game in any way.
Weapons are tradable in game, and you need to keep the market on. Armor are not tradable, so the way you obtain the armor is up to you. Moreover, in pvp, it is extremely difficult to have an armor, it cost too much. So for me it would be nice if you can pay to have your pvp armor. Anet makes money, and it does not affect the game in any way.
Why would you want to make it even easier to get PvP skin unlocks?
paying money for pixels is sad, and it should be only exclusive for those who put effort into acquiring rps