Dialogue 5 - Evennia Recruits the Ebon Vanguard
This dialogue occurs just outside the Eye of the North in the Ice Cliff Chasms
Must have finished Lieutenant Thackeray's scavenger hunt and witnessed his subsequent dialogue with Gwen, in addition to Dialogue 2, in order to see this dialogue
and is about to witness: (and hasn't completed WiK questline):
Dialogue 6 - Captain Langmar Arrives in Lion's Arch
This dialogue occurs in the Lion's Arch Keep
Must have witnessed Dialogue 5 in order to see this dialogue
I am paying 10k so I can tag along. PM for details plz.
IGN: The Mordiego
PS. Dialogue order as per: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/War_in_Kryta/Walkthrough
PPS. I have witnessed all dialogues till #6 and completed wik questline, so I cannot witness a dialogue in which there is Princess Salma, as she is already a Queen Salma for me