I've tried twice to get into the mausoleum, I run past Rotscale and click to enter, I get the load screen for The Mausoleum and then immediately after it switches to Temple of the Ages and that's where I find myself. Tried it twice with henchmen and then again with all real players. Still got spat out in ToA.
Any ideas why I can't get in?
Commandeering A Mortal Vessel - Mausoleum Entry
It's a known bug.
I entered the dungeon right away. You are unlucky i think.
I entered the dungeon right away. You are unlucky i think.
So, I'll eventually get in? Or I just can't ever do the quest?
Ninja Dude
It's a bug, if you do not own eye of the north you get booted back to ToA. Probably has to do with the fact that the Masuleum is an edited portion of a dungeon from eotn.
Divine Ashes
Anyone know of a thread that's up with hints and tips for this quest chain?