Deldrimor Armor _HoM_Anet
so the otherday i went and bought the so called "elite" armor from Central transfer chamber for my Sin. Maybe i should of done some research B4 i bought it because its not able to be displayed in the HoM.I think its really unfair that only the warriors "silver eagle" can be displayed i mean they already have the most armors out of all classes.Im really hoping that maybe with enough complaints this is something that can be fixed by Anet seeing that the armor w/o headpeice hit me for nearly 80k. Central Transfer Chamber is alot farther in the Storyline then any other Armor outpost in Eotn yet its the only Eotn north armor unable to be displayed,so can someone help me understand why anet would do this?
I would love to hear from an actual anet team member if possible, thx!
I would love to hear from an actual anet team member if possible, thx!
Maybe i should of done some research B4 i bought it because its not able to be displayed in the HoM. |
But yes, it's somehow weird it's the only expensive armor that can't be displayed as a set.
Professor K
Maybe you should have done more research?
But it isn't a set, they are seperate peices of armor to go with others
I think its really unfair that only the warriors "silver eagle" can be displayed i mean they already have the most armors out of all classes.
"should HAVE done", not "should of done" (this mistake just really bugs me every time I see it).
But Silver Eagle armor is separate from Deldrimor armor. Warriors also have Deldrimor armor that doesn't count as a set, just like the others.
"should HAVE done", not "should of done" (this mistake just really bugs me every time I see it). |
just like when people say Febuary, without the r, bugs the crap out of me
Just like sins and rits have exotic armor that your warrior can't use. |
Deldrimor armor is made of different pieces with different names. Yes it sucks that you can't add them to your HoM, but some classes can't even buy the gloves.
But it isn't a set, they are seperate peices of armor to go with others
Most people fail to realize that they are only classified as a set on wiki for ease of access to the information.
They are, however, not a set. They are all separate pieces
Originally Posted by wiki
Deldrimor armor is a collection of individual elite armor pieces that are meant to be either worn together or mixed-and-matched with pieces from other armor sets to suit the player's preference. They do not form a complete "set" for each profession, thus they cannot be displayed on the Monument of Resilience.
Shayne Hawke
There was an outcry about this years ago when this was first discovered. You're a little late to the argument, and things are unlikely to be changed at this stage.
Sarevok Thordin
Only the Warrior gets this privilege of displaying the armor..
Only the Warrior gets this privilege of displaying the armor..
Only one path to take... run a warrior alt through, get Delver 5 and buy some Silver Eagle.
Everyone always says how they "completed EotN" in a weekend. Shouldn't take more than a couple days extra to level and rank a warrior if you don't have one. 
probably not a very acceptable answer, but hey, it's certainly a thought and there's plenty of time to achieve it.
Then again, if all you would want is another elite armor for HoM purposes, there are probably others attainable with less work.

probably not a very acceptable answer, but hey, it's certainly a thought and there's plenty of time to achieve it.
Then again, if all you would want is another elite armor for HoM purposes, there are probably others attainable with less work.
Damian Greenthumb
Skyy High
Maybe i should of done some research B4 i bought it because its not able to be displayed in the HoM.
I think its really unfair that only the warriors "silver eagle" can be displayed i mean they already have the most armors out of all classes. |
Im really hoping that maybe with enough complaints this is something that can be fixed by Anet seeing that the armor w/o headpeice hit me for nearly 80k. |
Central Transfer Chamber is alot farther in the Storyline then any other Armor outpost in Eotn yet its the only Eotn north armor unable to be displayed,so can someone help me understand why anet would do this? |
I remember this question was brought up to either Gaile or Regina...and the answer was "it was never meant to be a set" so they will never finish up the last 4? sets of gloves so that deldrimor armor could really BE a set (and the mix and match with other armors???? I havent found many of the pieces that really mix well for me--my rit has tried with ok results, my necro--gave up, and my ele--they just dont dye the same
so its a real shame they made such expensive armor that cant be added....but well, it is anet we are talking about remember.

so its a real shame they made such expensive armor that cant be added....but well, it is anet we are talking about remember.
Sins and Rits are not core classes. They have 2 more sets in Cantha to make up for the fact that they can't buy any elite armors in Tyria (I don't know why Paras and Dervs didn't get something similar).
Sowwy about your luck and lack of wiki use.
` Marshmallow
Anet should host a 'design deldrimor' armor set contest 8D And then they can make those and we can be happy.. :B
Fox Reeveheart
Sins and Rits are not core classes. They have 2 more sets in Cantha to make up for the fact that they can't buy any elite armors in Tyria (I don't know why Paras and Dervs didn't get something similar).
I said it once, I'll say it again. Dervs and paras need either elite lux/kurz or elite canthan armor in cantha.
ON TOPIC: yeah because deldrimor isn't a full set to begin with
Shayne Hawke
That only puts players in charge of the concept. The devs still have to design the armor and create it according to the concept, which I don't believe they'll do. Costumes may be a different thing entirely though.
just like when people say Febuary, without the r, bugs the crap out of me
Anyway, this issue was brought up a long time ago and I can't see the issue being resolved. There are plenty of other armours for you to get, and with a bit more research you would have found out that Deldrimor is a little different.
I'm not saying I agree with warriors having this extra set, but its no impact upon any other classes fun. Just something a little extra for wars, to complain too much would be a little childish.
I guess(timate) in the future just do a little more delving before investing in elite armour.
Silver Eagle wasn't placeable in the HoM to start with until after Anet added support.
There should of been "Silver Eagle" equivalents for all professions...
But that argument is over, we lost, and must move on. Sorry you wasted your money, that sucks.
But that argument is over, we lost, and must move on. Sorry you wasted your money, that sucks.